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팀기반학습으로 운영된 유아동작 모의수업 경험에 대한 의미연결망 분석

이용수 81

Analyzing the Semantic Network of Simulated Teaching Demonstrations in Early Childhood Movement Education through Team-Based Learning
간행물 정보
『학습자중심교과교육연구』제23권 15호, 101~115쪽, 전체 15쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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목적 이 연구는 팀기반학습(TBL)으로 운영한 유아동작교육에 참여한 예비유아교사들이 작성한 수업성찰 자료를 분석하여 TBL이 유아동작교육에 어떤 의미와 영향을 주는 가를 살펴본 것이다. 방법 연구대상은 G시 소재 4년제 유아교육과에서 동작교육 수업을 수강한 45명의 학생이며, 동작교육은 모의수업 설계 및 시연으로 이루어졌고, 이러한 과정은 TBL로 운영되었다. 학습자들은 한 학기 수업이 끝난 후 동작교육에서의 TBL과 모의수업에 대한 자기성찰 자료를 작성하였고, 이 자료의 질적자료를 KrKwic과 UCINET을 이용하여 주제어를 추출하고, 중심성 및 의미연결망을 분석하였다. 결과 첫째, TBL 활동과 모의수업 경험에서 ‘계획안’, ‘활동’, ‘동작’, ‘수업’, ‘유아’, ‘모의수업’, ‘피드백’, ‘흥미’가 공통주제어로 나타났다. 둘째, TBL 활동에는 ‘시간’, ‘팀원’, ‘모둠’, ‘의견’, ‘적극적’, ‘어려움’, ‘부분’, ‘자료’, ‘표현’, ‘연습’, ‘수정’, ‘활용’이 주제어로 나타났다. TBL 활동의 의미연결망 구조는 모의수업과 TBL 활동 경험에 대한 의미구조로 파악되었다. 셋째, 모의수업 경험에는 ‘교사’, ‘생각’, ‘진행’, ‘경험’, ‘현장’, ‘도움’, ‘적용’, ‘방법’, ‘과정’, ‘규칙’, ‘개선’, ‘시범’이 주제어로 나타났다. ‘교사’는 연결링크수, 연결정도중심성, 근접중심성, 매개중심성이 모두 높게 나타났으며, ‘진행’, ‘경험’, ‘적용’의 근접중심성은 높았으나 매개중심성은 낮게 나타났다. 의미연결망 구조는 모의수업 준비과정과 모의수업을 통해 배우고 적용하게 된 효과성의 의미구조로 나타났다. 결론 TBL로 운영한 유아동작 모의수업 경험 의미연결망 분석에서 예비유아교사들이 TBL 활동과 모의수업 경험을 중요하게 인식하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 예비유아교사의 교수역량 함양을 위한 학습자 참여수업의 필요성을 시사한다.

영문 초록

Objectives This study examined the meaning and impact of team-based learning (TBL) on early childhood movement education by analyzing the reflective materials on teaching practices written by prospective early childhood teachers participating in TBL. Methods The participants of this study were 45 students enrolled in a 4-year early childhood education program in G City. The movement education class they took involved the design and demonstration of simulated lessons, which were conducted using the Team-Based Learning (TBL) approach. After completing a semester of classes, the learners wrote self-reflection materials on TBL and simulated lessons in the context of movement education. The qualitative data from these materials were analyzed using KrKwic and UCINET to extract keywords and perform centrality and semantic network analysis. Results Firstly, the common theme keywords that emerged from the TBL activities and simulated teaching demonstration experiences were ‘lesson plan’, ‘activity’, ‘movement’, ‘class’, ‘children’, ‘simulated teaching’, ‘feedback’, and ‘interest’. Secondly, the keywords associated with TBL activities included ‘time’, ‘team members’, ‘groups’, ‘opinions’, ‘active participation’, ‘challenges’, ‘parts’, ‘materials’, ‘expression’, ‘practice’, ‘modification’, and ‘utilization’. The semantic network analysis of TBL activities revealed a meaningful structure related to simulated teaching and the experiences of TBL activities. Thirdly, the keywords identified in relation to simulated teaching experiences were ‘teacher’, ‘thoughts’, ‘progress’, ‘experience’, ‘field’, ‘assistance’, ‘application’, ‘methods’, ‘process’, ‘rules’, ‘improvement’, and ‘demonstration’. The keyword ‘teacher’ showed high values in terms of linkages, degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality. The proximity centrality of ‘progress’, ‘experience’, and ‘application’ was high, while the betweenness centrality was low. The semantic network structure reflected the effectiveness of learning and application through the preparation and implementation phases of simulated teaching. Conclusions The semantic network analysis of early childhood movement education simulated teaching experiences conducted through TBL revealed that prospective early childhood educators perceive TBL activities and simulated teaching experiences as highly significant. These findings underscore the importance of learner-engaged instructional approaches in enhancing the teaching competencies of prospective early childhood educators.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


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윤현숙. (2023).팀기반학습으로 운영된 유아동작 모의수업 경험에 대한 의미연결망 분석. 학습자중심교과교육연구, 23 (15), 101-115


윤현숙. "팀기반학습으로 운영된 유아동작 모의수업 경험에 대한 의미연결망 분석." 학습자중심교과교육연구, 23.15(2023): 101-115

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