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한국어 학습자의 발음 오류 진단 및 평가에 관한 연구

이용수 5

A Study on the Diagnosis & Evaluation for Pronunciation Errors of Korean Language Learners
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』17권 1호, 71~97쪽, 전체 27쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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The purpose of this study is to present a framework for effective and systematic diagnosis, continuous observation, and evaluation in order to correct Korean pronunciation errors. Compared to other areas of language education, pronunciation education needs steadier repetition of learning. It is necessary to observe the learners by stages in order to prevent difficulties while they learn phonetic values of phoneme or phonological change rules. For this purpose, high priority must go to the diagnosis of pronunciation. The basic items set for pronunciation diagnosis and evaluation will be presented in this research, and a clear and systematic error recording table will be given, which will help to record and analyze pronunciation development process of learners based on the basic items. The items in the error recording table mentioned above include all the items that should be dealt with in the area of Korean pronunciation education such as phonetic values of consonantsㆍvowels, rules of phonological processes and suprasegmental elements, etc. In the table, horizontally, all the pronunciation errors of learners can be seen at a time, and when the errors are analyzed it will be possible to comprehend the patterns of errors of learners from the respective language areas. Vertically, it is possible to observe the pronunciation development process of the respective leaners in the passage of time. Tabulating these pronunciation diagnosis and evaluation items will make it easier for teachers to gather data in the field for pronunciation error analysis. The result of the pronunciation data analyzation will also be presented in the research for more systematic pronunciation education. For more effective pronunciation education which reaches the learners' level, the cyclic process of pronunciation diagnosis, error correction, feedback from teachers, continuous practice by learners and evaluation should be carried out continuously.


1. 서론
2. 발음 오류 교정과 평가
3. 발음 오류 기록표
4. 결론


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김은애. (2006).한국어 학습자의 발음 오류 진단 및 평가에 관한 연구. 한국어교육, 17 (1), 71-97


김은애. "한국어 학습자의 발음 오류 진단 및 평가에 관한 연구." 한국어교육, 17.1(2006): 71-97

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