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일본 초고령사회기의 고령자 자립 목표와 의지에 관한 고찰

이용수 6

Consideration of the Independence Goals and the Will of the Senior Citizens in the Super-aging Society of Japan: Through the Analysis of Chisako Wakatake’s 『Ora Ora de Hitori Igumo』
방경희(Kyoung-Hee Bang)
간행물 정보
『일본어문학』第103輯, 263~290쪽, 전체 28쪽
어문학 > 일본어와문학

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This paper attempts to closely examine the independence goals and intentions of the senior citizens in the super-aging society of Japan through the analysis of Chisako Wakatake’s『Ora Ora de Hitori Igumo』 literature of nursing care. In a super-aging society, the aging rate exceeds 21%, and as society becomes a super-aging society, various problems such as elderly care problems, elderly hatred problems, caregiving crime problems, and generational conflict problems begin to appear in the aging society. In order to solve these problems, the Japanese government has actively implemented social welfare policies for the elderly, and has revised and supplemented policy responses to suit the timing and situation. However, it is impossible to take responsibility for the increasing number of elderly people through policy measures alone, and the ultimate direction of Japan’s social welfare policy for the elderly is focused on the goal of independence for the elderly. Therefore, in this paper, we examine why the independence goals for the elderly are necessary in a super-aging society and why the elderly’s will for independence is important by examining the current situation of elderly people in Japan. Through the text analysis of『Ora Ora De Hitori Igumo』, I tried to elucidate how elderly people’s independence goals and intentions are expressed and written in reality. The results of the research revealed that in a super-aging society where the population is rapidly aging, goals and aspirations toward independence are essential for positive aging. This confirms the fact that a change in the consciousness of the elderly is necessary.


1. 머리말
2. 노년에 대한 이해와 성찰
3. 고령자의 자립 목표와 의지의 중요성
4. 일본의 1인 가구 고령자 현황
5. 『나는 나대로 혼자서 간다(おらおらでひとりいぐも)』에 표출된 고령자의 자립 의지
6. 결론


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방경희(Kyoung-Hee Bang). (2023).일본 초고령사회기의 고령자 자립 목표와 의지에 관한 고찰. 일본어문학, (), 263-290


방경희(Kyoung-Hee Bang). "일본 초고령사회기의 고령자 자립 목표와 의지에 관한 고찰." 일본어문학, (2023): 263-290

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