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와쓰지 데쓰로(和辻哲郎)의 『쇄국(鎖国)』에 나타난 16세기 일본의 문화

이용수 30

Japanese Culture in the 16th Century as Revealed in Watsuji Tetsuro’s Isolationism: Focusing on Luis Frois’ Letters
홍성준(Sung-Joon Hong)
간행물 정보
『일본어문학』第104輯, 431~449쪽, 전체 19쪽
어문학 > 일본어와문학

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1:1 문의
논문 표지

국문 초록

『鎖国』は日本が漸進的に近代化を成し遂げる過程の中で、伝統文化と新しい文化をどのように融合させ、どのような問題点が表れたのかを詳細に記録した書物である。当時、日本社会は鎖国政策という名目の下で日本の伝統文化と日本で創造された新しい文化を維持しようとした。これは外国人宣教師の目にはっきりと入ってきたであろう。和辻哲郎は彼らから聞いたことを『鎖国』に詳しく収録した。 ルイス·フロイスは日本におけるキリスト教の布教活動の中心人物と言っても過言ではない。『鎖国』第六章は彼の活動の中でも京都地域における活動を主に収めており、そこに収録されているフロイスの書簡は彼が接した日本文化とそれに対する考えをうかがえる重要な資料である。和辻哲郎は太平洋戦争の敗北の原因を「科学的精神の欠如」に求め、「何がわれわれに足りないのであるか」を考察しようと試みた。本の副題を「日本の悲 劇」とした理由もこれに密接に関わっていると思われる。 本稿では、『鎖国』の第六章に収録されているフロイスの書簡を中心に、彼の京都における布教活動と16世紀の日本文化を分析した。和辻哲郎の思想を理解する際にこの本の持つ意義は大きい。その理由は、戦後の日本が失った精神を、時代を遡って16世紀に見出すことができるからである。

영문 초록

Isolationism is a book that records in detail how Japan combined traditional culture with new culture and what problems were revealed in the process of Japan’s gradual modernization. At that time, Japanese society sought to maintain Japan’s traditional culture and the new culture created in Japan under the pretext of a policy of national isolation. These things must have come into the eyes of foreign missionaries, and Watsuji Tetsuro recorded in detail what he heard from them in Isolationism. It is no exaggeration to say that Louis Frois was a central figure in Christian missionary activities in Japan. Chapter 6 of Isolationism mainly contains his activities in the Kyoto area, and Frois’ letters included there are important materials that allow us to examine the Japanese culture he encountered and his thoughts about it. Watsuji Tetsuro attempted to find the cause of the defeat in the Pacific War, which he mentioned, in the ‘lack of scientific spirit’ and examine ‘what we lacked’, and the reason why he subtitled the book ‘Japan’s Tragedy’ is also closely related to this. In this paper, we examined Frois’ missionary activities in Kyoto and Japanese culture in the 16th century, focusing on his letters included in Chapter 6 of Isolationism. The significance of this book in understanding Watsuji Tetsuro’s thoughts can be said to be great, and the reason is that the spirit of Japan that was lost after the war can be found by going back in time and focusing on the 16th century.


1. 머리말
2. 와쓰지 데쓰로의 『쇄국』
3. 프로이스가 본 16세기 일본문화
4. 맺음말


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홍성준(Sung-Joon Hong). (2024).와쓰지 데쓰로(和辻哲郎)의 『쇄국(鎖国)』에 나타난 16세기 일본의 문화. 일본어문학, (), 431-449


홍성준(Sung-Joon Hong). "와쓰지 데쓰로(和辻哲郎)의 『쇄국(鎖国)』에 나타난 16세기 일본의 문화." 일본어문학, (2024): 431-449

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