이용수 3
- 영문명
- A Study on Hayao Miyazaki’s Animated Film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: Focucing on the Era, Fukai, and the Character of Nausicaä
- 발행기관
- 일본어문학회
- 저자명
- 阿武 正英(Anno, Masahide)
- 간행물 정보
- 『일본어문학』第104輯, 383~407쪽, 전체 25쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 일본어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.02.28
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국문 초록
宮崎駿のアニメ映画『風の谷のナウシカ』は1980年代前半、米·旧ソ連の二大国が対立を深め、新冷戦と言われた戦争の危機とともに、日本など工業化に伴う環境汚染が続いていた危機的な状況下、宮崎駿が自らの原作をもとに想像力を発揮して創作したSF作品である。 作品の舞台として重要な意味を持つ腐海は、人間が汚染した土や水を浄化する自然のシステムであることがわかったが、そこから放出される瘴気は人間を死に至らしめる毒を含んでいる。その点、根本の汚染を引き起こしている人間があり方を変えるしか解決策はないと気づかされる。 主人公のナウシカのキャラクターについては、国家間(民族間)の対立において、ナウシカが暴力的な解決法から非暴力的な解決法へと変化していった点に注目した。さらに、ナウシカは人間と自然の関わりにおいても、武器やテクノロジーの力で自然を制圧するのでなく、自然と心を通わせ、共生するあり方を貫く。そのような人間のあり方におけるコペルニクス的転回は、自身の内面の「怒り」「恐怖」「憎悪」などの負の感情を克服することと関わっていることについても論じた。
영문 초록
Hayao Miyazaki’s animated film, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Windwas created in the early 1980s. During this era, the two superpowers, the United States and the former Soviet Union, were heavily in conflict, and the era was characterized as ‘The New Cold War’. Also, Japan confronted the continuing environmental crisis caused by industrialization. The animated film was a science fiction created in these chaotic times, with Hayao Miyazaki’s imagination and his original story. Fukai ‘the decayed sea’, which sets out the stage of the story with important meaning, is viewed as a natural system that purifies the soil and water contaminated by humans. The toxic air released from there is nonetheless poisonous enough to kill humans. In this respect, it seems to indicate that the only solution is that humans, whose behaviors are the main reason for contamination, change their ways. As the story proceeds, the character of Nausicaä, the protagonist of the film, notably changes from her tendencies to resolve conflicts between nations (or ethnic groups) violently to her attitude that does not resort to violence. Her non-violent attitude can also be seen in the ways how she faces nature; she consistently tries to co-exist with it, rather than dominating it with the power of weapons and technology. Such Copernican shift in the ways humans are, I argue, related to their attempt to overcome their own negative emotions such as ‘anger’, ‘fear’, and ‘animosity’.
4. おわりに
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