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일어일문학 전공 대학생의 전공인식과 전공진로탐색 과목의 운영

이용수 12

The Awareness of Specialization among Undergraduates Majoring in Japanese Language and Literature and the Management of Courses for Exploring Majors
이선희(Sun-Hee Lee)
간행물 정보
『일본어문학』第104輯, 49~71쪽, 전체 23쪽
어문학 > 일본어와문학

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In this article, we surveyed students majoring in Japanese language and literature at S-University in Seoul in order to understand the characteristics of their learning of the Japanese language and their career paths. Also, after analyzing students’ motivations for choosing a major and their perceptions of their majors, I discuss the process of designing and implementing the course entitled “Exploration of Career Paths for Students Majoring in Japanese Language and Literature”. The results of this paper are summarised as follows. First, a number of students had had the experience of learning the Japanese language before they were enrolled. Second, more than half of the students are currently taking on a double major or multiple majors or express the desire to do so, and their preferred fields of specialization are quite diverse. Still, many students, both in lower and upper grades, stated that they were still uncertain about their career paths. Third, as for the types of career paths, most students expressed their preference for working in Korea or abroad. Fourth, in connection with their motivations for choosing a major, the students chose their majors based on their aptitude and interests in many cases. Furthermore, for most students, academic performance served as a significant factor in choosing their majors. Fifth, the students were generally satisfied with the learning environment and classes in the Department of Japanese Language and Literature. Finally, they were highly satisfied with the course “Exploration of Career Paths for Students Majoring in Japanese Language and Literature”, offered in the first semester of the academic year 2023.


1. 들어가며
2. 선행연구
3. 전공선택동기 및 전공인식
4. 일어일문학 전공진로탐색 수업 운영
5. 나오며


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이선희(Sun-Hee Lee). (2024).일어일문학 전공 대학생의 전공인식과 전공진로탐색 과목의 운영. 일본어문학, (), 49-71


이선희(Sun-Hee Lee). "일어일문학 전공 대학생의 전공인식과 전공진로탐색 과목의 운영." 일본어문학, (2024): 49-71

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