이용수 31
- 영문명
- Korean Learners’ Usage and Instruction of the Japanese Particle Made: Focusing on made and madeni
- 발행기관
- 일본어문학회
- 저자명
- 황윤실(Youn-Sil Hwang)
- 간행물 정보
- 『일본어문학』第104輯, 179~197쪽, 전체 19쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 일본어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.02.28
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국문 초록
本研究では韓国人日本語学習者の「まで」の使用様相を把握し、「まで」と「までに」の使い分けに対する理解及び使用を調査した。 まず、I-JAS(日本語学習者コーパス)の韓国人学習者の使用実態を調査し、日本語母語話者と比較してみると、「までに」と共起しにくい動詞を使用したり、同文脈において「まで」と「までに」を両方使用するなどの混同が一部の学習者に観察された。日本語の「まで」は韓国語の‘까지’に似ていて、誤用の可能性は低いものの、時間範囲の限界を示す表現として「までに」もあるため、韓国語の‘까지’と一対一に対応させて「まで」を使用すると不自然な文を算出する可能性があることが示唆された。 このような結果を踏まえ、実際の教育現場の初中級学習者を対象に調査を実施した結果、学習者には2形式の区別に困難を覚え、その違いを明確に認識していない場合があることが判明した。したがって、日本語教育場面では「まで」と「までに」の意味的な違いを明確に説明し、適切な例文を通じて繰り返し指導することが必要であると考えられる。
영문 초록
This study analyzed the usage of made and investigated Korean learners’ understanding and usages of made and madeni. As a result of a survey of the usage patterns of Korean learners of corpus I-JAS (the International Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language), we observed examples of misuse such as the use of verbs that do not collocate with made and the use of both made and madeni in the same context compared to native Japanese speakers. Japanese made is similar to Korean kkaji, so misuse by Korean learners is unlikely. However, since there is also the form madeni used to express the limit of a temporal range, there is the possibility of Korean learners producing unnatural sentences if made is used in a manner corresponding to Korean kkaji. Madeni indicating a deadline has limitations on collocating verbs and sentence-final expressions so there are differences between the usage patterns of Korean learners and native Japanese speakers. Based on the above results, a survey was conducted on upper-elementary and upper-intermediate learners in actual educational settings to examine learners' use of made and madeni in more detail. As a result, many learners were found to have difficulty distinguishing between the two expressions and did not recognize the difference well. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly explain the difference of meanings between made and madeni and teach them repeatedly through appropriate example sentences using collocating verbs.
1. はじめに
2. 「まで」の使用実態
3. 「まで」と「までに」の使用調査
4. おわりに
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