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A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Roads in Door Frame Landscape in Traditional Chinese Gardens: Analyzing the Representational Value of Roads in Door Frame Landscape Through Evolutionary Aesthetics

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A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Roads in Door Frame Landscape in Traditional Chinese Gardens: Analyzing the Representational Value of Roads in Door Frame Landscape Through Evolutionary Aesthetics
이욱범(LI, YUFAN) 조택연(Cho, Taig Youn)
간행물 정보
『한국디자인리서치』Vol8, No. 1(통권 26권), 32~47쪽, 전체 16쪽
예술체육 > 미술

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1:1 문의
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문틀 경관은 중국 전통 정원의 전형적인 디자인 양식으로, 벽의 문틀 창을 통해 다음 공간을 감상하는 방식이다. 길은 관람자가 다음 공간으로 진입하도록 유도하는 요소이다. 문틀은 길 주변의 경치를 틀 안에 넣어 문틀 경관을 구성한다. 이런 양식의 호감은 오랫동안 각광 받아 왔지만, 이를 선호하는 이유에 대한 이해가 부족했고, 그 결과 단순히 양식을 모방하는 것에 그쳤다. 문틀 경관의 선호도는 정치, 문화등의 영향을 받지만, 본 논문은 진화 미학을 통해 미의식을 탐구하였다. 첫째, 문틀 경관에서 길의 형태를 4가지 범주로 요약하였다. 둘째, 환경 선호가 안전성과 탐색에서 비롯된다는 진화 미학의 이론에 따라 문틀경관에서 길의 미적 구조를 분석하였다. 그리고 길 형태에 따른 호감 가설을 정의했다. 마지막으로 길 형태에 따른 선호도 실험에서, 감상자가 다방향 곡선 길에 대한 선호도가 가장 높다는 가설을 검증하였다. 본 연구는 진화 미학을 바탕으로 문틀 경관에서 길의 미의식을 분석하였다.

영문 초록

Door Frame Landscape is a representative design technique of traditional Chinese gardens, which allows people to view the neighboring space through a doorway in the wall of the courtyard. The road serves as an element to guide the viewer to the adjacent space. Door frames are used to frame the landscape around the road, creating a Door Frame Landscape. This Door Frame Landscape style is widely favored, but the reason for this preference is still unclear. This has led to mere imitation of the style in the garden. Of course, the preference for Door Frame Landscape is also influenced by other fields such as politics, economics, and culture. This essay pursues the study of the aesthetic consciousness of road in the Door Frame Landscape from a scientific point of view, using evolutionary aesthetics. First, the paper summarizes the form of roads in the Door Frame Landscape into four categories. Secondly, evolutionary aesthetics theory suggests that people's good feelings towards the environment come from a sense of security and a desire to explore. Based on this theory, this study analyzes the aesthetic structure of the road in the Doorf Frame Landscape and proposes a good feeling vacation theory based on the road form. Finally, the paper experiments on the preferred of road form and concludes that viewers have the highest preferred of multidirectional curved roads. Based on evolutionary aesthetics, this study analyzes the aesthetic consciousness of roads in the Door Frame Landscape.


1. Introduction
2. Analysis of The Expression of Door Frame Landscape in Traditional Chinese Gardens
3. Evolutionary Aesthetics Interpretation of the Aesthetic Consciousness of Road Scenery in Round Door Frame Landscape
4. Experiment to Investigate the Preference of Road Scape in a Round Door Frame Landscape
5. Conclusion


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이욱범(LI, YUFAN),조택연(Cho, Taig Youn). (2023).A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Roads in Door Frame Landscape in Traditional Chinese Gardens: Analyzing the Representational Value of Roads in Door Frame Landscape Through Evolutionary Aesthetics. 한국디자인리서치, 8 (1), 32-47


이욱범(LI, YUFAN),조택연(Cho, Taig Youn). "A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Roads in Door Frame Landscape in Traditional Chinese Gardens: Analyzing the Representational Value of Roads in Door Frame Landscape Through Evolutionary Aesthetics." 한국디자인리서치, 8.1(2023): 32-47

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