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서사민요 <친정부음 노래>의 서사구조와 향유의식

이용수 5

Narrative Structure And Women's Consciousness In Folk Ballads “A Married Daughter Who Goes For Her Mother's Funeral”
간행물 정보
『새국어교육』85호, 671~696쪽, 전체 26쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

이 논문에서는 시집간 딸이 친정부모(특히 친정어머니)의 부음을 듣고 친정에 가게 되면서 벌어지는 사건을 다룬 서사민요 <친정부음 노래>를 대상으로 서사단락의 결합에 따라 하위유형을 분류한 뒤 지역별 전승양상과 향유의식을 고찰하였다. 그 결과 <친정부음 노래>는 기본형, 진전형 1, 진전형 2, 결합형의 네 하위유형으로 구분할 수 있으며, 기본형은 호남 지역에, 진전형 1, 2와 결합형은 영남 지역에 주로 전승되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 양상은 서사민요가 지역의 사회적, 문화적 환경과 밀접한 관련 아래 향유되었음을 시사해준다. 또한 기본형에서 진전형1과 진전형2로 다시 결합형으로 나아가는 서사의 확대는 시집간 딸이 친정과의 분리를 통해 겪는 상실과 아픔을 점점 더 강화하여 드러낸다고 보았다. 즉 기본형은 시집간 딸이 친정어머니와의 분리에서 겪는 고통을, 진전형 1은 친정식구와의 분리를, 진전형 2는 보호받던 딸에서 보호하는 어머니로의 성숙을, 결합형은 친정식구에서 시집식구로의 변화라는 의미의 점진적인 확대를 보여준다.

영문 초록

This paper investigated the narrative structure and women's consciousness in the type of folk ballads “A married daughter who goes for her mother's funeral”. This type could be classified into four subtypes, i.e. the basic type, the first advanced type, the second advanced type and the mixture type. As the result of investigation, 34 versions were found. The basic type account for 10 versions, the first advanced type 16 versions, the second advanced type 4 versions and the mixture type 6 versions. The basic type was created and transmitted mainly around the Honam districts, the advanced type and the mixture type around the Yeongnam districts. It shows these types were formed in the close relation with the circumstances of districts. The basic type is composed of the 2 narrative paragraphs, i.e. when a married daughter received an obituary notice of her mother's death, he goes to her maiden home for her mother's funeral. It represents the separation the married daughter from her mother. In the first advanced type, a daughter arrives at her mother's funeral because of her husband's family. Her maiden family blames her. It symbolizes the separation her from her maiden family. In the second advanced type a daughter opens her mother's coffin, she tries garment on her dead mother. It shows that she becomes a mother for herself. In the mixture type, the type “A sister in law who doesn't give meal to her sister in law.” is mixed with the advanced types. It emphasizes the isolation a married daughter from her maiden family, moreover she is but a member of her husband's family not a member of her maiden family. I couldn't find how the narrative structure and consciousness were related with the social and geographical circumstances of districts. This subject would be investigated in the continuing study through the enlargement of items and types of folk ballads.


1. 머리말
2. <친정부음 노래>의 서사단락과 하위유형
3. 지역별 전승양상
4. 하위유형별 특징과 향유의식
5. 맺음말


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서영숙. (2010).서사민요 <친정부음 노래>의 서사구조와 향유의식. 새국어교육, (), 671-696


서영숙. "서사민요 <친정부음 노래>의 서사구조와 향유의식." 새국어교육, (2010): 671-696

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