靈川子 申潛의 삶과 詩世界 - 幽人의 삶과 意識 變化 樣相을 중심으로
이용수 163
- 영문명
- The Life and Poetic World of Youngcheonja Shin Jam
- 발행기관
- 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회)
- 저자명
- 이재숙(Lee Jae Sook)
- 간행물 정보
- 『동양한문학연구』동양한문학연구 제23집, 367~396쪽, 전체 30쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2006.08.30
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국문 초록
본고는 靈川子 申潛(1491~1554)의 삶과 시세계를 새 자료 『高靈世稿』續編을 통해 살펴보았다. 靈川子는 조선 중기의 詩書畵 三絶로서 자는 元亮, 호는 靈川子 또는 峨嵯山人으로 叔舟의 증손자이며 從濩의 아들이다. 1519년 중종 14년에 조광조가 실시한 현량과에 급제하였으나 己卯士禍로 인해 파방되었고 그 후 辛巳誣獄으로 전라도 장흥에 유배된 후 17년간 귀양살이를 하고 나서 서울 아차산에 은거하였다. 거의 평생을 벼슬 없이 지내다가 53세에 泰仁縣監ㆍ杆城縣 牧使ㆍ尙州牧使 등 초라한 벼슬을 지냈으며, 申澍ㆍ申從濩ㆍ申沆 등 고령신씨 삼대의 문집 『高靈世稿』을 편찬하였다. 그는 高靈申家 문벌의 자제였으나, 16세기 혼란한 정치 상황 중에 기묘사화와 신사무옥으로 인해 50평생을 궁벽한 곳의 축객으로 지내는 울울하고 쓸쓸한 삶을 살았다.
유배지에서 대부분 지어진 그의 시세계의 주제양상은 주로 ① 쓸쓸한 유배생활에서 느끼는 悲感과 혈육에 대한 간절한 그리움을 읊은시, ② 山中의 일상사를 읊으며 감회를 서술한 시, ③ 零落하는 노년기에 인생 回顧와 은거의 뜻을 표현한 것으로 정리할 수 있다.
유배지에서 대부분 지어진 그의 시세계의 주제양상은 주로 ① 쓸쓸한 유배생활에서 느끼는 悲感과 혈육에 대한 간절한 그리움을 읊은시, ② 山中의 일상사를 읊으며 감회를 서술한 시, ③ 零落하는 노년기에 인생 回顧와 은거의 뜻을 표현한 것으로 정리할 수 있다.
영문 초록
This article is the review of the life of Youngcheonja Shin Jam and his poetic world that has been made through the new material of “The Successive Collection of Goryeongsego.” As one of the three most prominent persons of poem writing painting in the mid Joseon Dynasty, his ‘Ja’(a scholar’s nickname) is Wolliang while his ‘Ho’(another type of scholar’s nickname) is Youngcheonja or Acha mountain man and he is one of the great grandsons of Shin Sookjoo and a son of ShinJongho. (Note: Shin is their family name.)
In 1519, the 14th year of Joongjong (the King), he passed the examination of HyeoliangClass that was administered by Jo Gwangjo, but it was cancelled as a result of the Kimyo Year Massacre of Scholars. After that, due to the Sinsa Year False Imprisonment, he was exiled to Jangheung of Jeolla Province, where he had been living in exile for 17 years, and later he lived in hermitage in AchaMountain in Seoul.
For almost all his life, he was living without taking any government positions, however, later from his age of 53, he took such poor positions of government as TaeinHyeungam, Ganseonghyeun Moksa, and Sangjoo Moksa and during this period, he could compile the Goryeongsego, which is the collection of works of the three generations of the Goryeong Shin’s families, namely, Shin Joo, Shin Jongho, and Shin Hang. Although he was one of the Goryeong Shin’s scholarly families, he lived a melancholy and lonely life of over 50 years as an abandoned guest at a remote place due to the Kimyo Year Massacre of Scholars and the Sinsa Year False Imprisonment in the midst of the confused political situation of the 16th century.
The aspects of his poems which had been created while he was living in exile may be summarized, mainly, to be ① poems describing the grief of the exiled life and the yearning for families, ② poems describing the emotion while reciting the day by day matters in the mountain, and ③ expressions of the meaning of retrospect and retirement of life at a down falling old age.
In 1519, the 14th year of Joongjong (the King), he passed the examination of HyeoliangClass that was administered by Jo Gwangjo, but it was cancelled as a result of the Kimyo Year Massacre of Scholars. After that, due to the Sinsa Year False Imprisonment, he was exiled to Jangheung of Jeolla Province, where he had been living in exile for 17 years, and later he lived in hermitage in AchaMountain in Seoul.
For almost all his life, he was living without taking any government positions, however, later from his age of 53, he took such poor positions of government as TaeinHyeungam, Ganseonghyeun Moksa, and Sangjoo Moksa and during this period, he could compile the Goryeongsego, which is the collection of works of the three generations of the Goryeong Shin’s families, namely, Shin Joo, Shin Jongho, and Shin Hang. Although he was one of the Goryeong Shin’s scholarly families, he lived a melancholy and lonely life of over 50 years as an abandoned guest at a remote place due to the Kimyo Year Massacre of Scholars and the Sinsa Year False Imprisonment in the midst of the confused political situation of the 16th century.
The aspects of his poems which had been created while he was living in exile may be summarized, mainly, to be ① poems describing the grief of the exiled life and the yearning for families, ② poems describing the emotion while reciting the day by day matters in the mountain, and ③ expressions of the meaning of retrospect and retirement of life at a down falling old age.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 申潛의 생애
Ⅲ. 신잠의 시세계
Ⅳ. 결론
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 申潛의 생애
Ⅲ. 신잠의 시세계
Ⅳ. 결론
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