이용수 104
- 영문명
- Study of Psychic Problems Published in the magazine Hentai-Shinri : Focusing on the Acceptance of a ‘Metamorphic psychology’ and ‘Psychic’ in colonial Korea
- 발행기관
- 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원
- 저자명
- 나카무라 시즈요(Nakamura Shizuyo)(中村静代)
- 간행물 정보
- 『일본연구』第41輯, 73~109쪽, 전체 37쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.02.28
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This paper analyzed the opinion of ‘Psychic’ articles in Hentai-Shinri, published by Nakamura Kokyo in the Taisho period, and examined how it appeared in the media in colonial Korea at the time.
Psychic occupies a high proportion in the field of metamorphic psychology, and there are as many as 130 posts related to psychic psychology during the ten years of publication. In Hentai-Shinri, a wide range of ideas such as psychic research and hypnosis that originated in the West developed a logic that entails “scientific demonstration”. Meanwhile, as the media paid attention to “clairvoyance” and combined the “unique spiritual therapy” putting Western psychic research as a shield, a so-called ‘spiritualism’ became distributed to the public in the Meiji period. Kokyo criticized these psychic organizations as superstitious, not modern. However, In the ‘Reader’s Column’, readers of psychic researchers criticized him for his delusional attitude toward science. Under such circumstances, “Fear Psychology and Ghost Story Research” had been featured, in the summer of 1924. In this issue, it was possible to confirm the firm attitude of “metamorphosis psychology” theorists who tried to talk only about the ghost stories, pre-modern ‘grotesque’, as in the framework of modern scientific interpretation
How was the flow of these two studies on psychic developed in Japan’s colonial Korea society. If you check the availability of books by the Japanese Government-General of Korea to seek acceptance of ‘transformation psychology’ and ‘psychic’ in Joseon, you can see that there were more than 400 books related to ‘psychology’ including them. It can be seen that Joseon society accepted ‘psychology’ at that time.
However, if you look at the newspaper’s publications, there was a duplex pattern of acceptance of ‘psychology’ and ‘transformation psychology’ as it was a bilingual space of Korean and Japanese. In particular, a ‘clairvoyance’ became a big topic in Joseon. The Japanese living in colonial Korea accepted a psychic therapy as ‘psychotherapy’, same as Japanese society, however, it was often published as fraudulent cases in Joseon society. In addition, an academic approach was made to ‘psychic’ in magazine publications, but it was found that the meaning-making differed greatly depending on the purpose of the magazine media.
Through this, it could be seen that psychic research, which was prevalent in Japan at the time, was also recognized in Joseon. It was confirmed that their acceptance was not uniform in line with the two-layered aspect of a colony.
Ⅰ. はじめに
Ⅱ. 「変態心理」と「心霊学」
Ⅲ. 雑誌『変態心理』が語る「心霊学」
Ⅳ. 朝鮮総督府図書館新書部分類目録における「心霊学」
Ⅴ. 朝鮮新聞·雑誌における「変態心理」と「心霊学」
Ⅵ. おわりに
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