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Oskar Kolberg’s Records from Pokuttya in Academic Editions of Ukrainian Folklore

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이리나 즈비르(Iryna Zbyr)
간행물 정보
『동유럽발칸학』동유럽발칸학 제14권 제2호, 345~371쪽, 전체 27쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

오스카 콜베르그(1814-1890)은 폴란드의 위대한 민족지학자, 민속학자였다. 또한 그는 크라코브 과학 아카데미의 회원이기도 했다. 그의 초기 연구시기 그는 민속학에 심취해 있었으며, 폴란드인들 뿐만 아니라 우크라이나 민속을 방대하게 수집했다. 그는 평생 38권의 민속학 서적을 발간했는데, 그 중 유명한 서적들은 다음과 같다: “Lud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy, zabawy, pieśni, muzyka і tańce” (“People. Their Customs, Way of Life, Language, Traditional Stories, Proverbs, Rituals, Games, Songs, Music and Dances”) (1857-1890), which included researches into Ukrainian folklore and material culture, namely: “Pokucie” (“Pokuttya”) (1882, 1883, 1888, 1889), “Chełmskie” (“From Chełm”) (1890-1891), “Przemyskie” (“From Przemysl”) (1891), “Wołyń. Obrzędy, melodie, pieśni” (“Volyn’. Rituals, Melodies and Songs”) (1907), “Białoruś-Polesie” (“Byelorussia-Polissya”) (1968), “Ruś Karpacka” (“The Carpathian Rus’”) (1970-1971), “Sanockie-Krośnieńskie” (“From San and Krośne”) (1972-1974), “Ruś Czerwona” (“The Red Rus’”) (1976, 1979), “Podole” (“Podillya”) (1994). 위의 민속학 서적 중 4권의 연구서가 우크라이나 포쿠탸(Pokuttya)에 관한 것으로 우크라이나의 민속을 이해하는데 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 그의 민속 수집방법은 후일 많은 민속 학자들에게 연구의 틀을 제시했고, 그의 민속자료는 19세기말 우크라이나인들의 모습과 지혜를 이해하는데 귀중한 자료가 되었다.

영문 초록

Oskar Kolberg (1814-1890) is an outstanding Polish ethnographer, folklorist and composer. He was born in Przysucha of Kielce province in Poland. He was a member of Krakow Academy of Sciences. On the early stages of his research activity O. Kolberg turned to folklore, took interest in folklore and ethnography of the Polish people and their close neighbours, namely the Ukrainians. During his lifetime he published thirty-eight volumes of his monumental work “Lud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy, zabawy, pieśni, muzyka і tańce” (“People. Their Customs, Way of Life, Language, Traditional Stories, Proverbs, Rituals, Games, Songs, Music and Dances”) (1857-1890), which included researches into Ukrainian folklore and material culture, namely: “Pokucie” (“Pokuttya”) (1882, 1883, 1888, 1889), “Chełmskie” (“From Chełm”) (1890-1891), “Przemyskie” (“From Przemysl”) (1891), “Wołyń. Obrzędy, melodie, pieśni” (“Volyn’. Rituals, Melodies and Songs”) (1907), “Białoruś-Polesie” (“Byelorussia-Polissya”) (1968), “Ruś Karpacka” (“The Carpathian Rus’”) (1970-1971), “Sanockie-Krośnieńskie” (“From San and Krośne”) (1972-1974), “Ruś Czerwona” (“The Red Rus’”) (1976, 1979), “Podole” (“Podillya”) (1994). A full collection of O. Kolberg’s works includes more than eighty volumes. “Pokuttya” is a four-volume collection of O. Kolberg’s works, the publication of which was preceded by assiduous collecting process. Numerous expeditions of Krakow Academy of Sciences, an established network of correspondents and communicants, organization of Pokuttya ethnographic exhibition in Kolomyya in 1880 - all this together has contributed to the monograph being monumental and rich in contents; up till now it is viewed as the only rather full research into the given ethnographic region. Z. Boltarovych claims that “Pokuttya” by O. Kolberg appears to be a detailed picture of everyday life and culture of the people from this area”. The work is subordinated to a strict plan, and the researcher has kept to it in all his writings. Throughout the 20th century folklore materials and musical notations from the collection of works “Pokuttya” by O. Kolberg with corresponding references were republished in different papers by Polish and Ukrainian researchers. This once again underlines the fact that O. Kolberg’s records have a scholarly character, demonstrates application of the comparative method in order to systemize oral folklore. A great number of folklore materials by O. Kolberg were used when compiling academic editions of folklore of the series “Oral Folklore”.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Perception of Folklore Texts from O. Kolberg’s Collection of Works “Pokuttya”
Ⅲ. Song Records by O. Kolberg
Ⅳ. Folk Prose from Pokuttya
Ⅴ. Conclusion


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이리나 즈비르(Iryna Zbyr). (2012).Oskar Kolberg’s Records from Pokuttya in Academic Editions of Ukrainian Folklore. 동유럽발칸학, 14 (2), 345-371


이리나 즈비르(Iryna Zbyr). "Oskar Kolberg’s Records from Pokuttya in Academic Editions of Ukrainian Folklore." 동유럽발칸학, 14.2(2012): 345-371

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