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방사선 차폐체 제작을 통한 작업종사자 피폭 감소 방안

이용수 2

The Effect of Adequate Radiation Shield Production for Radiation Worker
김기(Ki Kim) 홍건철(Gun Chul Hong) 곽인석(In Suk Kwak) 박선명(Sun Myung Park) 최춘기(Choon Ki Choi) 석재동(Jae Dong Seok)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.14 No.2, 41~44쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: Along with recent advances in PET/CT instrumentation and imaging technology, the number of patients has also been steadily increasing. This resulted in the increased radiation exposure to radiation workers in PET/CT rooms. In this study, we installed a radiation shield and investigated whether it could reduce radiation exposure to the workers and thus enhance job satisfaction. Materials and Methods: A radiation shield is composed of 5 cm thick lead and has a structure in which a radiation worker sits and watches a patient through lead glass while injecting radiopharmaceutical to the patient. Quarterly absorbed dose of radiation workers was measured using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) and the results were compared for six months each before and after installation of the radiation shield. Exposure dose was also measured using a pocket dosimeter placed at the same location in the front and the back of the radiation shield. In addition, frequency of use of the shield and job satisfaction of radiation workers were investigated using a survey. Results: Quarterly absorbed dose of radiation workers was 2.70 mSv on average before installation of new radiation shield, whereas that dropped to 2.13 mSv after installation of radiation shield, reducing radiation exposure dose by 21%. Exposure dose on the front side of the shield was 61.2 R, whereas that on the back side of shield was 2.8 R. According to the survey, 85% of workers used the shield and were satisfied with the outcome: each radiation worker made injections to patients average of 6.5 times/day and preferred sitting to standing while injecting radiopharmaceutical to patients. Conclusion: Use of radiation shield reduced the exposure dose of radiation workers, which is the ultimate goal of radiation protection to minimize radiation exposure and is an appropriate method for the improvement of hospital working environment. Furthermore, we found that use of radiation shield not only relieves physical and psychological burden of radiation workers but also enhances job satisfaction. This result indicates that use of radiation shield is important for improvement of the radiation workers’ job environment in terms of radiation protection.


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김기(Ki Kim),홍건철(Gun Chul Hong),곽인석(In Suk Kwak),박선명(Sun Myung Park),최춘기(Choon Ki Choi),석재동(Jae Dong Seok). (2010).방사선 차폐체 제작을 통한 작업종사자 피폭 감소 방안. 핵의학기술, 14 (2), 41-44


김기(Ki Kim),홍건철(Gun Chul Hong),곽인석(In Suk Kwak),박선명(Sun Myung Park),최춘기(Choon Ki Choi),석재동(Jae Dong Seok). "방사선 차폐체 제작을 통한 작업종사자 피폭 감소 방안." 핵의학기술, 14.2(2010): 41-44

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