중국 연변지역 청자대우법 체계에 대한 초보적 고찰
이용수 1
- 영문명
- An Elementary Consideration of hearer Honorific System in Chosun Language, Yanbian Area, China
- 발행기관
- 이중언어학회
- 저자명
- 채춘옥
- 간행물 정보
- 『이중언어학』제48호, 419~453쪽, 전체 35쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 언어학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2012.02.29
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This paper aims to investigate the hearer honorific system in Chosun language, Yanbin Area, China, according to analysis of drama scripts showing colloquial styles in Yanbin Area. According to hearer honorific system, appellation words or pronouns suitable for treatment should be selected, in view of a speaker’s intention to honorifics toward a hearer, and then a sentence terminating ending should be selected. In Korea, a great number of researches on the hearer honorific system have been conducted, which shows complicated aspects, ranging from selection of terms to expression elements, and from the standard language to dialects, as well as those on hearer honorifics in literature works. On the other hand, there have been not many systematical discussions on honorifics in Chosun language, Yanbin Area, China. Most of them, what is worse, have merely described surface phenomenon, and researches on comparison between those of Korean and Chosun language have been not yet conducted well. Accordingly, this paper intends to analyze patterns of hearer honorifics in contexts of dialogues more specifically, based on drama scripts of Yanbin Area, according to various theories of honorifics in Korean language. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to find out the hearer honorific system in Chosun language, Yanbin Area, China, by searching regularities from commonalities and differences in selection of honorific levels of Korean and Chosun speakers.
1. 머리말
2. 청자대우법에 대한 기존의 연구
3. 화자-청자 관계와 청자대우법 등급의 선택 양상
4. 맺음말
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