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문화 간 의사소통의 시각에서 본 한ㆍ중 색채어의 의미 대조와 그 번역에 대한 연구

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A Study on the Difference in Meaning of Color Words in the Korean and Chinese Languages and Their Translation Methods from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication: Focusing on the basic color word nureuda(누르다) and hwang(黄)
간행물 정보
『이중언어학』제48호, 207~242쪽, 전체 36쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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1:1 문의
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Intercultural communication refers to the process of communication between people of different cultural backgrounds. It is also an interaction between people of different cultural backgrounds. Language, as a social phenomenon, is a key component of culture, while vocabulary, as the most lively and dynamic part of culture because of its direct and rapid reflection of cultural development and changes, is an indispensable element in intercultural communication. As a system of cultural symbols, color words are often affected by different geographical locations, cultural traditions, values, customs and religious beliefs and are therefore given different psychological, cultural and religious meaning. As a result, the same color word may have different association, analogy and symbolic meaning in different countries. On this basis, this paper intends to study the yellow color, which is nureuda(누르다) in the Korean language and hwang(黄) in the Chinese language, compares them in terms of their original meaning, conceptual meaning and associative meaning, and elaborates on their correspondence in terms of associative overlap, associative correspondence, associative conflict and associative shock. It then goes on to put forward four translation methods, namely literal translation, substitution translation, literal translation plus annotation and subtractive translation plus free translation, in an effort to minimize cultural shock and avoid misunderstanding in intercultural communication.


1. 머리말
2. 연구의 이론적 배경
3. ‘누르다’와 ‘黃’의 의미 대조 분석
4. ‘누르다’와 ‘黃’의 번역 방법
5. 맺음말
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왕단. (2012).문화 간 의사소통의 시각에서 본 한ㆍ중 색채어의 의미 대조와 그 번역에 대한 연구. 이중언어학, (), 207-242


왕단. "문화 간 의사소통의 시각에서 본 한ㆍ중 색채어의 의미 대조와 그 번역에 대한 연구." 이중언어학, (2012): 207-242

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