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태국인 한국어 학습자의 텍스트 응집성 인식 양상 연구

이용수 6

A study on the cognition of coherence in Korean texts for Thai Korean language learners
이보라미 수파펀 분룽
간행물 정보
『이중언어학』제48호, 181~205쪽, 전체 25쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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The purpose of the study is to find how Thai Korean language learners in the advanced level perceive coherence in Korean texts, by using an introspective method, one of qualitative methods. For the levels of the learner's mother language could influence their recognition on coherence in the test, the same text was translated into the mother language and presented to them, to minimize the impacts of the variables, and at the same time, the test on the recognition on coherence in Thai texts was given. At first, commonalities and differences in the learners' recognizing coherence were analyzed, and then they were compared not only between groups, but also in their own groups. Lastly, I interviewed the learners based on what they wrote themselves for recollection, chosen as introspective research method. The first project found that Thai Korean language learners were having difficulties recognizing coherence, using omitted information and more sensitive to arrangement of orders of sentences. The learners were also dependent on grammatical cohesive device, such as conjunctive adverbs and vocabulary. The second project found that the learners were less sensitive to whether omitted information showed up or information was overly omitted even though they were able to find the clues of the information in their mother language. When recognizing coherence in the texts, they thought conveying general meanings of the sentences was the most important. Lastly, it was found that the learners accepted coherence more generously when the meanings of the sentences were well conveyed even in the case where the orders of the sentences were not properly arranged.


1. 서론
2. 응집성, 응결성, 응결 장치
3. 연구 방법
4. 분석 결과
5. 결론
참고 문헌


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이보라미,수파펀 분룽. (2012).태국인 한국어 학습자의 텍스트 응집성 인식 양상 연구. 이중언어학, (), 181-205


이보라미,수파펀 분룽. "태국인 한국어 학습자의 텍스트 응집성 인식 양상 연구." 이중언어학, (2012): 181-205

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