한국어 글쓰기 과정에서의 모국어 사용
이용수 2
- 영문명
- The use of mother language in Korean composing process: Based on the think-aloud protocols of Chinese Korean language learners
- 발행기관
- 이중언어학회
- 저자명
- 왕효성
- 간행물 정보
- 『이중언어학』제48호, 243~272쪽, 전체 30쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 언어학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2012.02.29
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This paper reported a study on how Chinese Korean language learners use their mother language when composing in Korean, and how much the use of mother language was affected by Korean language proficiency. Eight Chinese Korean language learners were asked to compose aloud on argument writing task. Analyses of their think-aloud protocols revealed that these students had both Chinese and Korean at their disposal when composing in Korean. Students were more likely to rely on Chinese generating and organizing contents during the writing process. On the contrary, they depended on the Korean when undertake the task-examining, lexical searching, language using and translating activities. Finally, the think-aloud protocols reflected that the use of mother language decreased with the writer’s Korean development, but the extent of the decline in each activities varied. Proficient writers were likely to use Chinese for meta-commenting the composing process and generating contents in their Korean composing process; The less proficient writers also used Chinese for meta-comments but they were also likely to use Chinese for lexical searching, language use and translation.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 연구 방법
4. 결과 해석
5. 결론 및 논의
참고 문헌
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