이용수 4
- 영문명
- A Study on Adverbs of the Untypical Causative in Japanese: Focusing on Comparisons with the Typical Causative
- 발행기관
- 일본어문학회
- 저자명
- 박재형
- 간행물 정보
- 『일본어문학』第100輯, 25~46쪽, 전체 22쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 일본어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2023.02.28
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국문 초록
第二点目は、典型的な使役構文と同じく、「人が人に·を~させる」という埋め込み文の構文的特徴上、共起する副詞の意味の二重性が充分考えられるにも関わらず、一義の構造分析を持つ背景について指摘した。 第三点目は、非典型的な使役構文だけに共起する副詞の意味的タイプと用法に基づいて、似通う副詞の系列にはどのようなものが挙げられるのかその辞書的な意味を伴いながら綿密に分析·記述した。
영문 초록
The purpose of this study is to examine what semantic types are deeply involved from the perspective of co-occurring adverbs with a variety of meanings and usage associated with the untypical causative in Japanese. The summary of the main discussion is as follows.
First, one of the important grammatical features that distinguish between typical and untypical causatives in terms of their meaning and usage was revealed from the perspective of co-occurring adverbs, a point of view which has not been widely adopted in previous studies.
Second, it was pointed out that the background of the unambiguous structural analysis, even though the duality of the meaning of co-occurring adverbs can be sufficiently considered due to the syntactic characteristics of embedded sentences, as in the same way as typical usage syntax.
Third, based on the semantic type and usage of adverbs that co-occur only in non-typical usage syntax, we carefully analyzed and described what similar adverbs are listed in the series with their dictionary meanings.
1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と問題点
3. 考察方法と本稿の立場
4. 共起する「副詞」をめぐって
5. おわりに
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