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石洲 李相龍의 삶과 詩文學

이용수 85

Seokju Lee Sang-ryong’s life and poetic literature
황만기(Hwang, Man-ki)
간행물 정보
『대동한문학』大東漢文學 第65輯, 117~145쪽, 전체 29쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

본고는 석주 이상룡의 삶과 시문학에 대한 연구이다. 석주의 삶을 망명 이전과 망명 이후로 나누어서 망명이전에는 보수 유학자로서의 삶에 포커스를 맞추었고, 망명 이후는 독립투사로서의 삶에 의미를 두었다. 石洲의 시문학에 대해서는 지행합일의 실천과 繼述의 정신, 교육을 통한 지식인의 면모, 憂國丹衷의 항일민족운동, 歸去來로의 向念 등 네 가지로 구분하여 고찰하였다. 구한말 애국계몽기에 있어서 석주 이상룡을 언급하지 않을 수 없다. 3남 중 장남으로 태어난 그는 어려서는 族祖인 平潭 李銓에게서 가르침을 받았고, 19세인 1876년에 조부인 忘湖 李鍾泰의 명으로 퇴계 학맥의 계보를 이은 西山 金興洛에게서 학문을 익혔다. 그는 노블리스 오블리제를 실천한 민족사의 커다란 발자취를 남긴 인물이다. 석주의 경륜은 지략가로 알려진 관중, 제갈량, 장량에 비유되었고, 절의적인 행동은 수양에서 고사리를 캐 먹다가 죽은 백이와 송나라의 의리를 지킨 文天祥의 삶에 비유되기도 하였다. 그의 활동은 역사적 평가에 있어서 空前絶後한 영웅적 업적이고, 그의 大節은 공자가 말한 强哉矯이고 맹자가 말한 浩然之氣인 것이다.

영문 초록

This is a study on Seokju Lee Sang-ryong’s life and poetic literature. Seokju’s life was divided into before his exile and after the exile. Regarding his life before the exile, his life as a conservative Confucian scholar was focused on, and with regard to his life after the exile, the meanings of his life as a fighter for national independence were investigated. Seokju’s poetic literature was categorized into and examined in four parts, that is, the practice of Jihaenghapil(the agreement between knowledge and behavior) and spirit of succession, the aspects as an intellectual person through educational activities, the patriotic anti-Japan national movement, and the focus on homecoming. It’s hard not to mention Seokju Lee Sang-ryong regarding the period of patriotic enlightenment in late days of Joseon. He was born as the eldest son with two brothers, and was taught by Pyeongdam(平潭) Lee Jeon(李銓), his ancestor(族祖), in his childhood. He studied under Seosan(西山) Kim Heung-nak(金興洛), who had continued the tradition of Toegye’s academic genealogy, following the order of his grandfather, Mangho(忘湖) Lee Jong-tae(李鍾泰), at the age of 19 in 1876. He was a great hero who practiced noblesse oblige and has left a deep footprint in the national history. Seokju’s experience and knowledge have been compared to those of Gwanjung, Jegalryang, and Jangryang known as great strategic planners, and his faithful behaviors to those of Baekee who had died while digging up and eating bracken in Suyang and the life of Mun Cheon-sang(文天祥) who had been loyal to Song dynasty. His activities were heroic achievements unprecedented in historical assessment, and his great fidelity was Gangjaegyo(强哉矯) mentioned by Confucius and Hoyeonjigi(浩然之氣) mentioned by Mencius.


1. 머리말
2. 석주의 삶
3. 석주의 시문학
4. 맺음말


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황만기(Hwang, Man-ki). (2020).石洲 李相龍의 삶과 詩文學. 대동한문학, 65 , 117-145


황만기(Hwang, Man-ki). "石洲 李相龍의 삶과 詩文學." 대동한문학, 65.(2020): 117-145

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