鄕儒 黃胤錫의 泮村 寄食과 卜妾
이용수 195
- 영문명
- A Country Scholar Hwang Yoon Seok"s Boarding and Lodging in a Village around Seonggyungwan and Getting a Concubine
- 발행기관
- 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회)
- 저자명
- 유영옥(Yu Young-Og)
- 간행물 정보
- 『동양한문학연구』東洋漢文學硏究 第27輯, 39~75쪽, 전체 37쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2008.08.01
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국문 초록
생활일기 『?齋亂藁』를 쓴 18세기 인물 黃胤錫은 全羅道 興德縣 출신의 향촌 지식인이다. 그는 科擧에 응시하고 官僚 職任을 수행하기 위해 총 22차례 고향을 떠나 漢陽을 다녀왔다. 上京한 鄕儒는 대개 泮村에 머무는데, 황윤석도 在京 기간 동안 주로 반촌에서 생활하였다. ?齋의 반촌생활에서 주목되는 것은 그가 상경할 때마다 거의 매번 동일한 하숙집에서 묵었다는 점이다. 이른바 ‘단골 泮主人’의 존재가 확인되는 대목이다. 비단 황윤석뿐만 아니라 반촌에서 하숙하는 선비들은 거개가 단골 하숙집을 정해둔 것으로 보인다. 나그네 신세인 그들에게 ‘단골’은 여러 가지 利點을 제공하기 때문이다.
황윤석은 22차례 西行하면서 총 세 사람의 泮主人을 두었다. 그는 반주인을 한 번 정하면 영원히 바꾸지 않을 생각이었지만, 주인의 物慾으로 갈등이 생겨 결국 두어 번 하숙집을 바꾸지 않을 수 없었다. 반촌 주인과 나그네는 이익관계로 맺어졌기 때문에, 이익이 상충되면 둘 사이도 틀어져, 代를 이어 主客이 되자던 소중한 약속도 깨어지고 만다.
특히 반촌에 장기간 체류했던 12차~14차 西行 때의 반주인은 빈한한 황윤석을 싫어해, 그에게 대놓고 나가라고 종용할 정도로 무례하게 굴었다. 그러자 윤석은 이참에 妾을 들여 衣食을 해결하고자 진지하게 고민하였다.
지금까지 ‘妾’은 ‘性愛’의 개념에 종속되어 섹슈얼리티의 테두리를 벗어나기 어려웠다. 하지만 황윤석에게 妾은 情慾의 대상이 아니라 寄食을 책임져 줄 생활의 방편이었다. 첩을 얻으면 정욕도 해결되지만, 客苦 속의 황윤석이 卜妾하는 목적은 궁극적으로 寄食을 해결하기 위해서였다.
우리는 ?齋를 통해 반촌의 鄕儒에게 단골 반주인이 존재했다는 사실과, 조선 선비의 卜妾이 性愛보다 생활을 목적으로 한 경우도 존재했음을 알 수 있다. 이는 그의 自筆 『?齋亂藁』 속에서 영글어진 생활사 연구의 작은 한 성과라 할 것이다.
황윤석은 22차례 西行하면서 총 세 사람의 泮主人을 두었다. 그는 반주인을 한 번 정하면 영원히 바꾸지 않을 생각이었지만, 주인의 物慾으로 갈등이 생겨 결국 두어 번 하숙집을 바꾸지 않을 수 없었다. 반촌 주인과 나그네는 이익관계로 맺어졌기 때문에, 이익이 상충되면 둘 사이도 틀어져, 代를 이어 主客이 되자던 소중한 약속도 깨어지고 만다.
특히 반촌에 장기간 체류했던 12차~14차 西行 때의 반주인은 빈한한 황윤석을 싫어해, 그에게 대놓고 나가라고 종용할 정도로 무례하게 굴었다. 그러자 윤석은 이참에 妾을 들여 衣食을 해결하고자 진지하게 고민하였다.
지금까지 ‘妾’은 ‘性愛’의 개념에 종속되어 섹슈얼리티의 테두리를 벗어나기 어려웠다. 하지만 황윤석에게 妾은 情慾의 대상이 아니라 寄食을 책임져 줄 생활의 방편이었다. 첩을 얻으면 정욕도 해결되지만, 客苦 속의 황윤석이 卜妾하는 목적은 궁극적으로 寄食을 해결하기 위해서였다.
우리는 ?齋를 통해 반촌의 鄕儒에게 단골 반주인이 존재했다는 사실과, 조선 선비의 卜妾이 性愛보다 생활을 목적으로 한 경우도 존재했음을 알 수 있다. 이는 그의 自筆 『?齋亂藁』 속에서 영글어진 생활사 연구의 작은 한 성과라 할 것이다.
영문 초록
Yijae Hwang Yoon Seok(1729~1791) was an intellect who lived in a rural area in the 18th century. He came up to Seoul 22 times in total to take the state examination and assume office. When country scholars came up to Seoul, they usually stayed in a village formed around Seonggyungwan. This was also true to Hwang Yoon Seok. Notably, he stayed in a same lodging house whenever he visited Seoul. This indicates that there were hosts of lodging houses who always received particular scholars. It seems that not only Hwang Yoon Seok, but also other country scholars who stayed in the village surrounding Seonggyungwan had their own lodging house that they always used. To use only a particular lodging house benefited these scholars who were strangers.
Hwang Yoon Seok visited Seoul 22 times when he used total 3 lodging houses. There was an interest relations between a host of lodging house and his guest. If either of them found the other not beneficial, such relations was broken. Hwang Yoon Seok had no intent to change the host of a lodging house where he first selected to stay, but later he had to meet two other hosts because of his financial difficulty.
The host of a lodging house where Hwang Yoon Seok stayed when he made 9th to 14th visits to Seoul, each time he stayed long in the capital, openly and rudely asked the scholar to get out of the house because Hwang Yoon Seok was so poor. Then, Hwang Yoon Seok sincerely considered getting a concubine in order to solve his food and clothing problems. In fact, concubines have been always associated with ‘sexuality" or ‘sexual love". But for Hwang Yoon Seok, a concubine was not a means of meeting his sexual desire, but that of solving his problems related to clothing and housing. Scholars who were from a rural area, but had to long serve as a public official in Seoul often got a concubine to cope with difficulties they faced away from home, for example, problems related to food, clothing and housing. Having a concubine was also a solution to unfulfilled sexual desire. As far as Hwang Yoon Seok is concerned, however, living with such woman was ultimately a means of ensuring his better boarding and lodging.
In conclusion, the study found that country scholars including Hwang Yoon Seok were usually serviced by the host of a particular lodging house when they stayed in Seoul and that some of the scholars got a concubine for their better life, not for sexual desire. This is supported by a diary Hwang Yoon Seok wrote by himself, YijaeNango, which is very valuable in researching life history.
Hwang Yoon Seok visited Seoul 22 times when he used total 3 lodging houses. There was an interest relations between a host of lodging house and his guest. If either of them found the other not beneficial, such relations was broken. Hwang Yoon Seok had no intent to change the host of a lodging house where he first selected to stay, but later he had to meet two other hosts because of his financial difficulty.
The host of a lodging house where Hwang Yoon Seok stayed when he made 9th to 14th visits to Seoul, each time he stayed long in the capital, openly and rudely asked the scholar to get out of the house because Hwang Yoon Seok was so poor. Then, Hwang Yoon Seok sincerely considered getting a concubine in order to solve his food and clothing problems. In fact, concubines have been always associated with ‘sexuality" or ‘sexual love". But for Hwang Yoon Seok, a concubine was not a means of meeting his sexual desire, but that of solving his problems related to clothing and housing. Scholars who were from a rural area, but had to long serve as a public official in Seoul often got a concubine to cope with difficulties they faced away from home, for example, problems related to food, clothing and housing. Having a concubine was also a solution to unfulfilled sexual desire. As far as Hwang Yoon Seok is concerned, however, living with such woman was ultimately a means of ensuring his better boarding and lodging.
In conclusion, the study found that country scholars including Hwang Yoon Seok were usually serviced by the host of a particular lodging house when they stayed in Seoul and that some of the scholars got a concubine for their better life, not for sexual desire. This is supported by a diary Hwang Yoon Seok wrote by himself, YijaeNango, which is very valuable in researching life history.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 黃胤錫의 西行 연보
Ⅲ. 在京 하숙생활의 실태
Ⅳ. 寄食의 방편, 卜妾
Ⅴ. 맺음말
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 黃胤錫의 西行 연보
Ⅲ. 在京 하숙생활의 실태
Ⅳ. 寄食의 방편, 卜妾
Ⅴ. 맺음말
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