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아동화에 나타난 도식의 출현과 소멸

이용수 58

Appearance and Disappearance of Schema Found in Children's Drawings
정우석(Jeong Woo-Suk)
간행물 정보
『미술교육논총』미술교육논총 제18권 1호, 145~168쪽, 전체 24쪽
예술체육 > 미술

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본 연구의 목적은, 국내 아동의 도식에 관한 출현 및 소멸시기를 명확하게 밝히는 데에 있다. 조사방법은, 전주시소재의 유치원, 초등학교, 중학교 1학년에서 실시되었으며, 남550명, 여511명, 합계1,061명의 어린이들이 참가하였다. 진행교사에게는『그리고 싶은 것을 마음대로 그려라』라는 발언을 하도록 지시하였다. 연구결과, 도식화의 경우는 5세 이후의 유아부터 초등학교 전 학년에 이르기까지 폭넓게 분포하였음이 밝혀졌다. 그리고 도식화의 출현빈도의 최대치를 살펴보면, 남아의 경우는 초등학교 3학년에서, 여아는 초등학교 2학년에서 각각 나타났다. 이와 같은 연구결과는, 도식이 초등학교 저학년을 중심으로 출현한다고 하는 기존의 일반적인 인식과는 다소 차이가 있었으며, 국내아동의 도식의 출현과 소멸시기에 대해서 보다 유연성 있게 대응해 나가야 한다고 사료된다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this study is to find the exact times of the appearance and disappearance of schema in Korean children. As for the research method, Classification A was used in this study as criteria for judgment, when drawn by a drawing technique showing the development of drawing pattern. Classification B was used, when drawn by a drawing technique not directly connected to the development of drawing pattern. Criteria used in this study, Classification A and Classification B, was developed by Shuichro Arai and Kingo Masuda. This study conducted a survey of kindergarteners, elementary school children and 1st-grade middle school students in Jeonju. A total of 1,061 children (550 male and 511 female ones) participated in the survey. The children were given a piece of drawing paper, and asked by the directing teachers ‘to draw whatever they want’ using only ‘a pencil.’ The result of analysis at ‘Classification A’ suggests that schema is widely distributed from 5-year old infants to elementary school children of all grades. When the result is compared with that of research by Shuichro Arai and Kingo Masuda, the trend is similar between Korea and Japan, but the time when the frequency of appearances of schema is sharply reduced was 5th~6th grade at elementary school in Japanese children while 6th grade at elementary school~1st grade at middle school in Korean children. Although simple comparison may be unreasonable because there are differences in survey time and sample size, it suggests that schema appear to be generally longer in Korean children than in Japanese ones. In addition, the frequency of appearances of schema was highest in 3rd grade at elementary school for boys and in 2st grade at elementary school for girls in Korea. The result of this study is somewhat inconsistent with general understanding that schema appears during the lower grades of elementary school. Thus this study is meaningful in that it reconsidered the time of appearance of schema in Korean children.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 아동화 수집과 분류
Ⅲ. 조사결과
Ⅳ. 결론


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정우석(Jeong Woo-Suk). (2004).아동화에 나타난 도식의 출현과 소멸. 미술교육논총, 18 (1), 145-168


정우석(Jeong Woo-Suk). "아동화에 나타난 도식의 출현과 소멸." 미술교육논총, 18.1(2004): 145-168

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