범주교육의 역사와 그림해석으로서 범주화(Ⅰ)
이용수 52
- 영문명
- A History of Category Education and the Categorization as an Image Interpretation
- 발행기관
- 한국미술교육학회
- 저자명
- 김경순(Kim Gyong-Soon)
- 간행물 정보
- 『미술교육논총』미술교육논총 제18권 1호, 79~121쪽, 전체 43쪽
- 주제분류
- 예술체육 > 미술
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2004.06.01
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국문 초록
본 논문은 범주교육에서 그림의 개념 또는 지식과의 그 역사적 근원을 추구하고, 오늘날 미술교육에서 이에 대한 재인식과 함께 그것의 교수법의 발전을 추구한다. 논문Ⅱ장에서 범주교육의 시초인 개념교육이 그림과 관련하여 발달한 17-20세기까지 역사를 다룬다. Ⅲ장에서는 오토의 해석 에서 그림과 개념 문제를 범주로 만들어 보도록하며, 이 범주형성에 관련된 교수법 문제를 논한다. 연이어 클라프키의 범주교육의 교수분석에게서 제기되는 범주교육의 교수법의 기본 문제를 다루었다. Ⅳ장에서는 Ⅲ장의 이론에 근거한 ‘범주형성’의 실제에서 오는 교수-학습대상의 발생시에 오는 교수 중재문제, 범주형성의 목적과 조건 그리고 범주교육의 선택조건을 논한다. 제Ⅴ장은 전체 논문의 결론과 그 전망이 따른다.
영문 초록
Comenius began concept in relation to the image in the 17th century. According to his book, “Orbis Sensualium Pictus”, published in 1658, the didacticism of concept education is a view and a name of the image, and aimed at the identification of the concept of things that surround students. The theory is based on the pantheistic philosophy of life. The structure of the book is clearly subdivided into concepts and images.
In relation to Comenius's theory, Basedow, in the 18th century, published his book, “Elementary Works”. The structure of its whole contents compared to Comenius book is not clear, but the particular pictures are well structured. And the didacticism is orientated on the method of Comenius.
In the beginning the 19th century, Pestalozzi developed concept education differently in comparison with the views of the 17th and 18th centuries. There were some factors for changing the aspects of concept education. During the time of Pestalozzi, the subject of concept education was developed with more detail. According to Pestalozzi, whole subjects had the organic relation to each other and the general principles of the view. This view was aimed at measuring the things correctly. It was thought that the things consist basically of geometric forms. So the student had to draw geometric forms correctly, which were very objective to measurement, and to name the variable geometric forms. The different lines were the elements for forming and measuring the space, building the letter and drawing the flowers. Also they had to search such principles out of nature and name them. Concept education in this period was evaluated by the later generations effectivly and its didacticism in developed form is still sustainable.
In the 20th century, many researchers for didacticism focused on the development of the concept education of the 19th Century. Klee, in the 1920's, participated in rendering the physical concepts of plastic elements and in classifying those forms according to their characters. And the other researcher concentrated more on the structure study of the concepts.
Since the 1970's, the picture has been considered as an important visual medium for communication and the conveying of information and knowledge. Otto spoke in 1987 on “pictures” being no more than just a part of art history. According to him, the pictures in the classes are a section of history, social life, structure of social-cultural situations of a nation and should be reflected in such perspectives. He also stated that people build contexts from some perspectives when they view and reflect on the object. He considers perspectives as the structure of complex knowledge that has to be categorized into the areas of certain subjects. And the students have to be connected with the learning-object and take the problems as their own. That means the historical or social/cultural information would be reconstructed and represented in their work. This is a very important issue considered by Otto and the reason why pictures have to be analyzed and seen in many perspectives. Otto's perspective is based on the category theory of Klafki.
Klafki said, in 1963, that people discern the reality with the help of the category. And the categorial information is reconstructed and represented. Here, “category” means the attributes of the structured concept. The students also have to search for the concept structures and to understand them. Learning here means how to learn the structure of the concept. This is even orientated on category theory.
My study is based also on the theories argued in the 20th century and applied to building available categories of pictures and ascertaining their conditions. The study argues that even the problems caused from when the categories are built and what the criterion are for that.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 범주교육의 역사
Ⅲ. 범주형성의 교수법
Ⅳ. 범주형성 실제
Ⅴ. 종합
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