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갑상선암에서의 혈중 Thyroglobulin 농도와 침생검 검체 Washout Solution의 Thyroglobulin 농도와의 상관관계

이용수 2

Correlation of Serum Thyroglobulin and Thyroglobulin in the Wash out of the Needle in Thyroid Cancer
안재석(Jae Seok An) 김지나(Ji Na Kim) 원우재(Woo Jae Won)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.13 No.2, 152~155쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: The most widely accepted tool for follow up management of thyroid cancer patients is serum thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement, but its value is limited by the interference of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (anti-Tg Ab). Recently thyroglobulin measurement in the wash out of fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens (Tg-FNAB) is frequently used for differential diagnosis of recurrences/metastases. The aim of this study was the investigation of the diagnostic utility of Tg-FNAB compared with serum Tg. Materials and Methods: We enrolled 41 consecutive patients with thyroid cancer who were evaluated for Tg-FNAB between January 2007 and February 2008 retrospectively. We ruled out 6 patients who anti-Tg Ab positive (≥100 U/mL) in the RIA (BRAHMS anti-Tgn RIA 100Det; BRAHMS Aktiengesell schaft, Berlin, Germany). Serum Tg and Tg-FNAB were measured by immunoradiometric assay (BRAHMS Tg pluS RIA 100 Det; BRAHMS Aktienge sellschaft, Berlin, Germany). We evaluated for Tg-FNAB compared with serum Tg and corresponding cytological smear. To compare the values of the two the t-test was used. Results: Tg-FNAB values were significantly higher (median 1,060 ng/mL, range 0.2~434,000 ng/mL) than serum Tg (median 2.5 ng/mL, range 0.9~131 ng/mL) (p=0.0394). The rate of correspondence with Tg-FNAB between cytological result was 87.9% and 65.9% in the case of serum Tg. Tg-FNAB was positive in 28 (24 with positive and 4 with suspicious cytology). Of the remaining 13 patients with negative Tg-FNAB, 1 had suspicious and 12 had unsuspicious cytology. serum Tg was positive in 26 (17 with positive and 3 with suspicious and 6 with unsuspicious cytology), Of the remaining 15 patients with negative serum Tg, 8 was positive in cytological result and 1 had suspicious and 6 had unsuspicious cytology. Conclusions: Tg-FNAB measurement is more accurate with high sensitivity (87.9%) than serum Tg (65.9%). The Tg-FNAB was a useful predictor for detecting recurrences/ metastases with serum Tg.


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안재석(Jae Seok An),김지나(Ji Na Kim),원우재(Woo Jae Won). (2009).갑상선암에서의 혈중 Thyroglobulin 농도와 침생검 검체 Washout Solution의 Thyroglobulin 농도와의 상관관계. 핵의학기술, 13 (2), 152-155


안재석(Jae Seok An),김지나(Ji Na Kim),원우재(Woo Jae Won). "갑상선암에서의 혈중 Thyroglobulin 농도와 침생검 검체 Washout Solution의 Thyroglobulin 농도와의 상관관계." 핵의학기술, 13.2(2009): 152-155

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