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핵의학과 종사자의 방사성동위원소 체내오염 측정

이용수 2

Detection and Measurement of Nuclear Medicine Workers’ Internal Radioactive Contamination
정규환(Gyu Hwan Jeong) 김용재(Yong Jae Kim) 장정찬(Jeong Chan Jang) 이재기(Jai Ki Lee)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.13 No.2, 123~131쪽, 전체 9쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: We tested a sample of nuclear medicine workers at Korean healthcare institutions for internal contamination with radioactive isotopes, measuring concentrations and evaluating doses of individual exposure. Materials and Methods: The detection and measurement was performed on urine samples collected from 25 nuclear medicine workers at three large hospitals located in Seoul. Urine samples were collected once a week, 100~200 mL samples were gathered up to 6~10 times weekly. A high-purity germanium detector was used to measure gamma radiations in urine samples for the presence of radioactive isotopes. Based on the detection results, we estimated the amounts of intake and committed effective doses using IMBA software. In cases where committed effective doses could not be adequately evaluated with IMBA software, we estimated individual committed effective doses for radionuclides with a very short half life such as ⁹⁹ᵐTc and ¹²³I, using the methods recommended by International Atomic Energy Agency. Results: Radionuclides detected through the analysis of urine samples included ⁹⁹ᵐTc, ¹²³I, ¹³¹I and ²⁰¹Tl, as well as 18F, a nuclide used in Positron Emission Tomography examinations. The committed effective doses, calculated based on the radionuclide concentrations in urine samples, ranged from 0 to 5 mSv, but were, in the majority of cases, less than 1 mSv. The committed effective dose exceeded 1 mSv in three of the samples, and all three were workers directly handling radioactive sources. No nurses were found to have a committed effective dose in excess of 1 mSv. Conclusions: To improve the accuracy of results, it may be necessary to conduct a long-term study, performed over a time span wide enough to allow the clear determination of the influence of seasonal factors. A larger sample should also help increase the reliability of results. However, as most Korean nuclear medicine workers are currently not necessary to monitored routinely for internal contamination with radionuclides. Notwithstanding, a continuous effort is recommended to reduce any unnecessary exposure to radioactive substances, even if in inconsequential amounts, by regularly surveying workplace environments and frequently monitoring atmospheric concentrations of radionuclides.


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정규환(Gyu Hwan Jeong),김용재(Yong Jae Kim),장정찬(Jeong Chan Jang),이재기(Jai Ki Lee). (2009).핵의학과 종사자의 방사성동위원소 체내오염 측정. 핵의학기술, 13 (2), 123-131


정규환(Gyu Hwan Jeong),김용재(Yong Jae Kim),장정찬(Jeong Chan Jang),이재기(Jai Ki Lee). "핵의학과 종사자의 방사성동위원소 체내오염 측정." 핵의학기술, 13.2(2009): 123-131

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