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핵의학과 내에서의 효과적인 고객위험관리

이용수 12

Effective Customer Risk Management at the Nuclear Medicine Department: Risk Managemont MOT Development Application and Producing Public Relations Film
함종훈(Jong Hum Ham) 황재봉(Jae Bong Hwang) 김준호(Joon Ho Kim) 이귀원(Gui Won Lee)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.13 No.2, 110~122쪽, 전체 13쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: Nowadays, A medical institution assesment could get more interest about a quality of medical services from many hospitals that developed the active activities for improving medical services. Also, there is an other additional issue which is the patients risk management. Uijeongbu ST. Mary’s hospital Nuclear Medicine department has been changed many work process after PET-CT introduction and renovation of its place since 2008. Therefore, modified structure and the way of existing work process have contained risk factors. The purpose of this study would be the appropriate risk management process while imaging examination process, the removal risk factors and improved activities through the analysis risk factors. Materials and Methods: Nuclear Medicine department new process should analysis through many-sided, Firstly, make and trained risk management manual after then apply an actual work. Result analysis showed the number of risk accident occurrence that comparing the last year and after the improved activities. Secondly, producing risk management public relations film has been showed an applicable patient after then the customer service measurement checked for a hundred patient by questionnaire. Lastly, Risk factors were eliminated through the facilities participation improving activities which could change for the better risk factors. Results: The number of safety accident occurrence(medication error, fall and collision) were checked as zero after the improving activities both PET-CT and gamma camera examination. The results of questionnaire showed as follows; 74% marked as understanding of the test process and 81% checked “satisfaction” after the public relations film showing. The question “Did you consider about the risk factors?”, both PET-CT and gamma camera checked as 94% and 89% respectively. Customer risk management could be accomplished effectively through the improving activities at the nuclear medicine department. Conclusions: The study would be an opportunity that spread risk factors were systematically showed and analyzied. Also, It showed the possibility of the minimized safety accident and its feedback, if application of the response manuel that could be a standard of radiology technician’s work method to react safety accident. It was the more effective that visual material could be easy to approach as a methodology of risk factors. As far as I have concerned that It could help the safety and convenience through continuous and detailed activities that offer to patients.


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함종훈(Jong Hum Ham),황재봉(Jae Bong Hwang),김준호(Joon Ho Kim),이귀원(Gui Won Lee). (2009).핵의학과 내에서의 효과적인 고객위험관리. 핵의학기술, 13 (2), 110-122


함종훈(Jong Hum Ham),황재봉(Jae Bong Hwang),김준호(Joon Ho Kim),이귀원(Gui Won Lee). "핵의학과 내에서의 효과적인 고객위험관리." 핵의학기술, 13.2(2009): 110-122

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