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Cortisol, 25OHD₃ 추출 후 원심 분리시 온도가 검사결과에 미치는 영향

이용수 2

Effect of the Centrifugation Temperature on Cortisol, 25OHD₃ Values After Extraction
김외정(Whe Jung Kim) 천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon) 유선희(Seon Hee Yoo) 조시만(Shee Man Cho)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.13 No.2, 143~146쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: We use the centrifugation of refrigeration state in separation of blood serum, Anti-ds-DNA, Vitamin B12/ Folate and GAD-Ab assay. However, Cortisol urine and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD₃) are conducted centrifuge at room temperature. This is troublesome that change centrifugation temperature into room temperature due to using of most assays at cold temperature. Therefore when using centrifuge after extraction of Cortisol urine and 25OHD₃, we conducted researches on effect of the centrifugation temperature in assay results. Materials and Methods: In Cortisol urine, add dichloromethane 1.0 mL in urine 500 μL, mix for 15 minutes, and then centrifuge for 8 minutes at 2600rpm. In 25OHD₃ add acetonitrile 0.5 mL in serum 200 μL, and then centrifuge for 8 minutes at 2600rpm. Those experiments were conducted centrifuge at room temperature and 4℃. And experiments conducted immediately after centrifugation at 4℃ and standing for 20 minutes after centrifugation 4℃. Results: In Cortisol urine, room temperature result in 1.93, 2.18, 2.43, 9.45, 14.2 (μg/dL). Experiments of performing immediately after centrifuge at 4℃ result in 1.8, 2.0, 2.3, 8.1, 13.7 (μg/dL). Experiments of performing after 20 minutes result in 2.1, 2.1, 2.7, 9.95, 14.35 (μg/dL). On the other hand, the 25OHD₃ tests conducted at room temperature result in 7.13, 26.6, 35.8, 48.2, 74.8 (ng/dL). Experiments were conducted immediately by pipetting after 4℃ centrifugation result in 7.53, 30.9, 40.3, 61.5, 89.1 (ng/dL) as results are higher than experiments at room temperature. The experiments that conducted centrifuge at 4℃ and then left at room temperature for 20 minutes result in 7.40, 32.4, 41.3, 51.6, 85.6 (ng/dL). Conclusions: Experiments were conducted by using centrifuge at 4℃ are higher or lower than room temperature. The differences between results of standing for 20 minutes after centrifuge at 4℃ and those of centrifuge at room temperature are less than conducting immediately. It is concerned that experiments conducted immediately after centrifuge at 4℃ are incorrect, because tubes become dim due to temperature differences between 4℃ and room temperature. Therefore, it is desirable to centrifuge at room temperature as manual and we should pipet promptly without stopping.


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김외정(Whe Jung Kim),천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),유선희(Seon Hee Yoo),조시만(Shee Man Cho). (2009).Cortisol, 25OHD₃ 추출 후 원심 분리시 온도가 검사결과에 미치는 영향. 핵의학기술, 13 (2), 143-146


김외정(Whe Jung Kim),천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),유선희(Seon Hee Yoo),조시만(Shee Man Cho). "Cortisol, 25OHD₃ 추출 후 원심 분리시 온도가 검사결과에 미치는 영향." 핵의학기술, 13.2(2009): 143-146

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