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생존을 위한 뇌, 창조를 위한 뇌 - 변지영 옮김(2021), 이토록 뜻밖의 뇌과학 7½

이용수 43

The brain for survival, the brain for creation - Translated by Byeon Ji young(2021), Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain
김동건(Kim Dong Geon)
간행물 정보
『리터러시 연구』13권 5호, 689~706쪽, 전체 18쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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The purpose of this article is to introduce misconceptions about the brain and new facts uncovered by modern brain science through the latest book, ‘Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain’, by Dr. Lisa Feldman Barret, a world authority on Affective Neuroscience. This will allow us to broaden our new insight into the brain. A long-standing prejudice about the brain that is still talked about today is that the human brain is superior and has evolved to think. However, modern brain science relentlessly denies the long lasting prejudices and misunderstandings through many research results and scientific evidence. Our brains are nothing special compared to other animals, they just evolved differently to selectively survive well in the course of evolution. The overriding goal of which the brains of all animals, including humans, work is to keep them alive. That is the essential purpose of the brain's existence. However, the most unique thing that sets the human brain apart from other animals is that it can create social reality through information coming from outside compression and abstraction. On the other hand, even if that ability is a singularity that makes humans seem superior, behind the scenes, it emphasizes that we are also the ones who suffer in the real world we have created. Through this book, we will think about the essential understanding of the brain and how it is reasonable to create a new world.


1. 들어가며
2. 뇌는 생존을 위해 존재한다
3. 뇌를 잘 이해하기 위한 몇 가지 개념들
4. 뇌는 새로운 세계를 창조한다
5. 나오며


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김동건(Kim Dong Geon). (2022).생존을 위한 뇌, 창조를 위한 뇌 - 변지영 옮김(2021), 이토록 뜻밖의 뇌과학 7½. 리터러시 연구, 13 (5), 689-706


김동건(Kim Dong Geon). "생존을 위한 뇌, 창조를 위한 뇌 - 변지영 옮김(2021), 이토록 뜻밖의 뇌과학 7½." 리터러시 연구, 13.5(2022): 689-706

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