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Marine City Shimonoseki and Korean Peninsula: -Focusing on the Chosenchusinsi-
부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소
町田一仁(Machida Kazuto)
간행물 정보
『인문사회과학연구』인문사회과학연구 제20권 제3호, 129~160쪽, 전체 32쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

下関は日本の本州の最西端に位置する海陸交通の要衝で、日本国内はもとより、朝鮮半島(韓半島)や中国とも有史以来、密接なつながりを持ち、海洋都市として発展した。特に朝鮮半島とは一衣帯水の地であり、人、モノ、情報が海の道を介して活発に行き交って、前近代では朝鮮半島の文化を強く受容し、近代以降は日本の朝鮮半島侵略の拠点となった。 本稿は、海洋都市下関と朝鮮半島の関係について時代別に概観するとともに、当地における朝鮮通信使御馳走および朝鮮漂流民送還の様相について紹介するものである。 朝鮮通信使にとって下関は、使行の安全を確保する重要な地であった。そのため、対馬易地聘礼となった1811年を除く全ての朝鮮通信使が目的地への往復の途次に必ず寄港している。この地での朝鮮通信使御馳走は長州藩毛利氏の役割であり、毛利氏は各使行とも懇切丁寧に応接し、1711年の使行では「長門下之関御馳走一番」と評価された。また、下関の客館であった阿弥陀寺において、長州藩の学者は通信使と積極的に学術交流を行って、藩内の学問興隆に貢献した。朝鮮通信使も下関の地理的・軍事的拠点性に着目しており、詳細な観察を行って使行録に記録している。 朝鮮通信使の往来によりもたらされた両国の平和的な外交関係は、朝鮮漂流民の救助と送還体制を確固たるものとした。近世下関には44回376人の朝鮮人が漂着しているが、全ての漂流民がこの地の人々に救助・保護されて、無事朝鮮国に送還されている。

영문 초록

Shimonoseki is placed in the westernmost of Japan Honshu, and it is the stronghold place of the amphibious trade. Therefore Shimonoseki is the representative marine city which has been interchanged many regions with inside and outside of Japan, such as Korea and China since the dawn of history. Especially Shimonoseki is separated from Korean peninsula by a narrow strip of water, the people and things and information of two regions exchanged frequently by the sea route. Shimonoseki accepted the culture of the Korean peninsula strongly, but it was changed to the base of invasion by Japan from modern-age. Here, I would give a conspectus of the relations of between marine city Shimonoseki and the Korean peninsula in order of the times, besides introduce about the Chosen Chusinsi receptions and the deportations of Korean drifters in Shimonoseki. Shimonoseki was the very important place for security of the Chosen Chusinsi mission. Therefore all Chosen Chusinsi mission expect 1811 year was visited at Shimonoseki by all means. The receptions of Shimonoseki was taken charged by Moori Lord of Chou Shu feud, Moori Lord went to meet Chosen Chusinsi mission on arrival with all his heart every times. Especially the Chosen Chusinsi mission of Shimonoseki in 1711 year was estimated as the best reception such as Nagato Shimonoseki Gochisou Ichiban. Besides many scholars of Chou Shu interchanged academic exchange with the Chosen Chusinsi mission actively in Amita Temple, and it made a great contributions to cultural development of Chou Shu region. The Chosen Chusinsi mission were concerned about of the geographical and militarily important position, watched and wrote in detail in their journals. The exchange of Chosen Chusinsi made the peaceful diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea, and the rescue and the deportations of Korean drifters from Japan to Korea were settled in pre-modern ages. 376 Korean persons were drifted to Shimonoseki ashore by 44 times in pre-modern ages. All drifting Korean persons were rescued and protected by the people of Shimonoseki, and they were sented to Korea safely.


Ⅰ . はじめに
Ⅱ . 下関と朝鮮半島
Ⅲ . 朝鮮通信使と下関
Ⅳ . 朝鮮漂流民の救助と送還
Ⅴ . おわりに


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町田一仁(Machida Kazuto). (2019).海洋都市下関と朝鮮半島. 인문사회과학연구, 20 (3), 129-160


町田一仁(Machida Kazuto). "海洋都市下関と朝鮮半島." 인문사회과학연구, 20.3(2019): 129-160

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