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Japan of marine country and Korea of peninsula country -Focus on the historical drawing of exchange and trade-
부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소
仲尾 宏(Nakao Hiroshi)
간행물 정보
『인문사회과학연구』인문사회과학연구 제20권 제3호, 89~127쪽, 전체 39쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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The aim of this essay is to analyze how Japan and Korea form their state power by using the sea which was located between two countries, and how many conflicts were occurred and how many problems were solved peacefully. Japan and Korea have been delicately different at detail parts, although they were very near and have the similar natural environment by exchanging their culture. They have been co-existed for a long time at the Northeast Asia, at sometimes they created conflicts and repeated the relations of Voina i mir. Generally Japan and Korea have been the similar countries, but the other side they had much different aspects. Hereafter they would be co-exist as near neighbor, therefore it is necessary to review about mutual relations of historical and commerce exhange. We could not look for the key of solving many conflicts between Japan and Korea at sometimes, but we had been made efforts to solve many problems of two countries peacefully such as Chosenchusinshi exchanges and the repatriations of the castaways from the Middle Ages to the pre-modern Ages. This essay is composed of 4 chapters. The first chapter is the sketch of the different natural environments in the marin country of Japan and the peninsula country of Korea after the pre-ancient times. The second chapter is the analysis of building the ancient state system of Japan, furthermore of importing the Korean culture and people. Especially the relations of between Japan and Korea were appeared the new aspects from Nara and Heian Ages in Japan. Many Korean went to Japan and transferred Korean culture to Japanese, and therefore it could be assisted for forming the ancient country system by making the legal system and the tax system in Japan. The third chapter is the analysis of the international situation of Northeast asia and the exchange between Japan and Korea in the Middle Age. The war were occurred by Wakou(倭寇), but the peaceful exchange of two countries were the sending of the diplomats such as Chusinshi frequently in the Middle Age. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the re-building of East asia peaceful society and the exchange of two countries in the pre-modern Age. It was the Age of EDO Bakuhu by Tokugawa Eyeyasu, the important role of exchange was the Lord of Tsushima Han.


Ⅰ . はじめに
Ⅱ . 古代日本国家の形成過程と韓半島から の渡来の人々
Ⅲ . 東アジア中世の動乱と日韓の交流
Ⅳ . 近世東アジア世界の再編と日本·朝鮮の 交流·交易
Ⅴ . あとがきにかえて


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仲尾 宏(Nakao Hiroshi). (2019).海洋国家・日本と半島国家・韓国. 인문사회과학연구, 20 (3), 89-127


仲尾 宏(Nakao Hiroshi). "海洋国家・日本と半島国家・韓国." 인문사회과학연구, 20.3(2019): 89-127

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