한국어 교육을 위한 유사 양태 부사의 공기 관계 연구 - ‘꼭, 반드시, 틀림없이’를 중심으로
이용수 0
- 영문명
- A Study of Co-occurrence Relation of Similar Modal Adverbs for Korean Language Teaching: Focusing on ‘꼭, 반드시, 틀림없이’
- 발행기관
- 국제한국어교육학회
- 저자명
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국어교육』36권 1호, 313~341쪽, 전체 29쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2025.03.31
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국문 초록
The purpose of this study is to discuss the possibility of co-occurring word list selection by utilizing statistical methods based on the air relationship of similar modality adverbs. For this purpose, airiness was quantitatively analyzed and measured using T-test and MI² values. The analysis concluded that co-occurring word list selection should be done systematically by merging statistical significance and prototype theory. The study suggests a structured teaching order based on statistical significance and prototype theory, prioritizing: (1)Statistically significant with prototype meaning, (2)Statistically significant with peripheral meaning, (3)Not statistically significant with prototype meaning, and (4)Not statistically significant with peripheral meaning. Furthermore, the network analysis visualizes the co-occurrence and semantic distance of similar modalities of adverbs, providing intuitively understandable results. This study systematically investigated the semantic differentiation of modal adverbs through objective statistics and network analysis and provided basic data that can be utilized in Korean language education.
영문 초록
1. 서론
2. 공기성의 개념
3. 연구 대상 및 방법
4. 연구 결과
5. 결론
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