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중국인과 한국인의 한국어 시간 벌기담화표지 사용 양상 비교 연구

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Comparative study on the use of delaying tactic Discourse Markers between Chinese Korean learners and Korean Native speakers: Focused on informative speaking
간행물 정보
『한국어교육』27권 1호, 79~110쪽, 전체 32쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This study aims to present the pedagogic implications of Korean delaying tactic DMs Education for CKLs through comparing the use of delaying tactic DMs between KNSs and CKLs. In this study there were 60 participants (KNSs 30, CKLs 30) and the researcher gave them the same task. As a result, there were 16 kinds of delaying tactic DMs had been used by KNSs and there were 12 kinds of delaying tactics DMs had been used by CKLs. And through the Wilcoxon rank sum test, we found that the use of ‘뭐', '이제', '이렇게', '음', '막', '그러니까', '으', '응', and '아' had a statistically significant difference. But in the use of '어', '그', '좀', '뭐지', '뭐랄까', '그냥', '그런', '이런', '어떤', and '저기', there were no statistically significant differences. Thus, perhaps there are three reasons for the different usage of delaying tactic DMs between CKLs and KNSs. Firstly, it seems that the delaying tactic DMs is the differentiation category to CKLs. Secondly, it may be due to the interference of CKLs' mother language. Thirdly, it may be the case as the CKLs do not get proper education regarding delaying tactic DMs and don’t have many chances to practice them. Accordingly, in this study, the researcher presented some pedagogic implications of Korean delaying tactic DMs education, such as explicit teaching, the provision of input and practice chance, and the exclusion of mother language(Chinese) interference and etc. The significance of this study is that it provides specific information to help the Korean language education expert to understand the use of delaying tactic DMs by the CKLs, and presents some pedagogic implications of Korean delaying tactic DMs Education.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구대상 및 연구방법
4. 연구 결과
5. 결론


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맹강. (2016).중국인과 한국인의 한국어 시간 벌기담화표지 사용 양상 비교 연구. 한국어교육, 27 (1), 79-110


맹강. "중국인과 한국인의 한국어 시간 벌기담화표지 사용 양상 비교 연구." 한국어교육, 27.1(2016): 79-110

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