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문제제기 전략을 강조한 수업과 학업 성취도와의 관계분석

이용수 3

A study of the effects of problem posing strategies on mathematics achievement
전미라 허혜자
간행물 정보
『수학교육학연구』제8권 2호, 709~722쪽, 전체 14쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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This thesis is to see if the classes using problem posing is effective to improve the students' grades in math. So I set up research subjects as follows. 1. Do the classes focused on problem posing have any influence on the students' achievement ? 2. Do the classes focused on problem posing have any different influence on the students' achievement according to their levels ? 3. Do the classes focused on problem posing have any different influence on the students' achievement according to the categories in math ? I chose four classes in the first grade of K middle school in Kangnung, Kangwon province for this thesis. First I divided them into two groups. Each group consisted of two classes. One is the experimental group. The other is the comparative group. The experimental group was taken classes using problem posing. The comparative group was taken classes by the traditional teaching method. And then I analyzed the difference of the achievement between two groups. As a result of this research, I came to the conclusion as follows. First, the classes focused on problem posing is more effective than traditional teaching method for the improvement of the students' achievement. Second, both the classes using problem posing and the traditional teaching method doesn't affect to the advanced students. Third, the classes using problem posing is more effective to the intermediate students and lower level students than the traditional teaching method. Especially it is very effective in teaching the students the linear equation.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법 및 절차
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 분석
Ⅴ. 결론


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전미라,허혜자. (1998).문제제기 전략을 강조한 수업과 학업 성취도와의 관계분석. 수학교육학연구, 8 (2), 709-722


전미라,허혜자. "문제제기 전략을 강조한 수업과 학업 성취도와의 관계분석." 수학교육학연구, 8.2(1998): 709-722

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