주제 분석을 통한 학습자의 학술적 접근 양상과 글쓰기 교육의 방향(1)*
이용수 174
- 영문명
- A Study on Learners’ Academic Approach Aspects through the Subject Analysis and the Direction of Writing Education -- Focusing on cases of college students’ papers submitted between 2013 and 2015
- 발행기관
- 한국언어문학회
- 저자명
- 김정숙(Kim, Jeong-sook) 백윤경(Baek, Yun-kyung)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 303~326쪽, 전체 24쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2016.09.30
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

국문 초록
영문 초록
This study explored research areas and research methods of those papers through the subject analysis and key words of 134 final assignment papers that were submitted by college students who took a course of writing education,
academic writing 2 that was open between 2013 and 2015. Also, this study classified and analyzed learners’ concern areas and subject approaching methods.
Through this, this study aims to grasp the connectivity between learners’ concern-interest and their majors, and identify efficiency and possibility of circulating writing education centered on the process. This study attempted to
appoint each analysis method and academic approach aspects and meaning by designating evaluation criteria as 1) academic research fields, 2) the core area, 3) approach methods, and 4) key words.
From the results of the analysis, it is found that college student learners’
thesis subjects mainly focused on issues of the social phenomena or the social reality, and that they tried to have academic approaches in connection with learners’ own majors. Contrast to other areas, learners majoring in the humanity and the social sciences showed a low aspect, which demonstrated the decrease of interest of Korean college students in the humanity.
Currently, at the point of moving into intelligence society requiring creation of converged-compound knowledge such as compound studies, it is necessary to provide various opportunities to be in contact with the knowledge of humanity.
Such college education as academic writing should provide opportunities to achieve basic approaching methods to new valuable research fields, through the connection of learners’ major knowledge system with their surrounding environment.
1. 서론
2. 사례 분석의 틀과 방법
3. 사례 분석 결과
4. 결론
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