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예학자 신독재 김집 전설 고찰

이용수 101

Study of the Legend of Ritual Theory Scholar Sindokjae Kim, Jip
황인덕(Whang in-deok)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 105~133쪽, 전체 29쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

1:1 문의
논문 표지

국문 초록

영문 초록

Sindokjae is a significant scholar who made a comprehensive study on Confucianism ritual theory by offering a help for his father. A high status as a ritual theory scholar generated a character legend in history. This legend is related with his family background and also has one time personal narrative. His family background from his previous generation took deep root in the tradition of ritual theory and it had a great influence on the next generation consistently. However the legends of Shagye and Sindokjae show similarities and differences at the same time. Shagye has more folk-narratives and the number versions is greater than Sindokjae’s. The legend of Shagye has more folk-narrative like expressions.This implies that the Shagye has a higher status in history and is more commonly known. The figure characteristics of those two legends have common in a mild and humble image. They also have differences from other perspectives. Sindokjae has a humble, decent and generous image but Shagye shows a lot more decisive dignity in regard to ritual theory. The difference between them also shows an extraordinary characteristics beyond a daily life. The legend of Sindokjae has somewhat weak results in imagination and expressions. However, this implies the significance of the original folk tale in its way.


1. 머리
2. 신독재의예학자로서의주요사실배경
2.1. 개인적측면- 예학자로서의특징과 인물됨
2.2. 가문적측면- 예학자․예학가문으로서의 성예(聲譽)
3. 관련설화자료의유형과내용소개
3.1. 신독재 개인의 일화성 자료
3.2. 가문과 관련된 자료
4. 설화 유형과 내용상의 전반적 특징
5. 일화의 설화적 전환의 한 모습
6. 신독재 전설의 예학자 설화로서의 의의 – 맺음


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황인덕(Whang in-deok). (2016).예학자 신독재 김집 전설 고찰. 한국언어문학, 98 , 105-133


황인덕(Whang in-deok). "예학자 신독재 김집 전설 고찰." 한국언어문학, 98.(2016): 105-133

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