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한림별곡의 형태 및 갈래 이해의 준거 전환

이용수 835

Approach to Turn the Points of View for New Understanding about Patterns and Genre of Hanrimbyulgok
나경수(Na Kyung Soo)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 65~104쪽, 전체 40쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

영문 초록

Hanrimbyulgok was a lyric of a song. Lyric of a song should be distinguished from the written poem. To understand the form or genre of Hanrimbyulgok, the situation to sing and perform it as well as musical aspect should be considered. Meanwhile, it was general to comprehend Hanrimbyulgok in order of foot rule with 3-foot, syllable rule of 3·3·4 syllable. However, the actual state is quite different when seeing Hanrimbyulgok music book in Dae-ak hubo or  Geumhabjabo. It is realized along with regular 4-foot, and the fact that it is restricted by the rhythm along with appearance per foot without having a specific syllable rule. Also, the position of “Wi”, cono phrase, was located in the end of the 3rd line and the 6th line on the music note, differently from being located in the front of the 4th line and the 7th line previously, functioning as the musical function to match rhythm, instead of literary function as the interjection. Also, in respect that Hanrimbyugok was a song, when aggregating the performance scene and transmission state, etc. of singing it, a characteristic that could not be belong to Gyosul genre that has been generally mentioned so far. The reason why Hanrimbyulgok could not be seen as the Gyosul that belongs to the objective description toward the external world is because the strong aim for the unity of human and world in respect that Hanrim, the main identity of singers and 8 types of Hanrim culture that they enjoyed.


1. 서론
2. 연행현장과 전승실태의 검토
3. 가창양식과 형태적 특성
3.1. 가창양식과 구성의 분석
3.2. 가창소의 형태별 특성
4. 작사의 본의에 따른 갈래의 성격
4.1. 작시(作詩)와작사(作詞)의거리
4.2. 한림별곡 갈래의 성격 재고
5. 결론


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나경수(Na Kyung Soo). (2016).한림별곡의 형태 및 갈래 이해의 준거 전환. 한국언어문학, 98 , 65-104


나경수(Na Kyung Soo). "한림별곡의 형태 및 갈래 이해의 준거 전환." 한국언어문학, 98.(2016): 65-104

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