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<증상연정(增像演訂)심청전>의 텍스트 특성과 그 의미

이용수 122

A study on the characteristic and meaning of Painting-simcheongjeon
김진영(Kim, Jin-young)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 29~64쪽, 전체 36쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This thesis studied about characteristic and meaning of Paintingsimcheongjeon. For that it goes into a text aspect of Painting-simcheongjeon and a function of picture affecting enjoyment of novel. Subsequently the meaning of picture is considered. To sum up a discussion it is as follows. First, it is considered about a literature text and an aspect of picture. In this text there are ten pictures and they are arranged before the novel is narrated. However this pictures suggest maker’s thought and help readers accept novel through pictures. It is copy of mise-en-scéne. On the one hand if this picture’s scene is appreciated consecutively, an outline of simcheongjeon can be found out. It means that this picture has an systematic narrative structure. So this picture has relations with novel contents. It is a matter of course because picture tends to have a nature of storytelling. Second, it examined an enjoyment of novel and a function of picture. First of all it is a prologue and butterfly effect. To arrange a picture firstly that shows a whole novel is to show novel’s contents with picture. And it premises an effect of prologue. Meanwhile because of the novel is appreciated while recalling picture, the charge is expanded. Therefore it is expected of butterfly effect. In sequence there are meta-text and reading effect. The picture is a meta-text of simcheongjeon that has a narrative contexts. There were so many illiterate at that time, an enlargement of reader through picture promotes reading effect of simcheongjeon Third, it is considered of picture’s literary characteristic and its meaning. This picture has different characteristic and literary meaning. The characteristic of this picture is making scene, concreteness and picture title. It is the result of gathering the ordinary things from traditional storytelling. The literary meaning of this picture is different. This text went current in the 1920s. It was the era of type-developing, so picture was juxtaposed with writing repeatedly. But the picture of Painting-simcheongjeon is different from a picture of new-style novel or an adapted story. That picture has a homogeneity with a storytelling picture of Buddhism or Confucianism. Therefore in modern-times, literary change was groped by picture, especially from the traditional storytelling picture.


1. 서론
2. 문학텍스트와 그림의 양상
3. 소설의 향유와 그림의 기능
4. 그림의 문예적 특성과 의미
5. 결론


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김진영(Kim, Jin-young). (2016).<증상연정(增像演訂)심청전>의 텍스트 특성과 그 의미. 한국언어문학, 98 , 29-64


김진영(Kim, Jin-young). "<증상연정(增像演訂)심청전>의 텍스트 특성과 그 의미." 한국언어문학, 98.(2016): 29-64

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