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박완서 소설의 애도 불가능성 연구

이용수 805

Study on Impossibility of Mourning in Park Wan-seo s Novels - With Focus on the Mother-Daughter Relationship in[The Naked Tree]-
김미영(kim, mi-young)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 135~160쪽, 전체 26쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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A primary axis which underlies the works by Park Wan-seo is “war, trauma, and mourning.” The components of the axis are interlinked with one another, with “mourning” as a destination. Especially, the death of a “brother” carries an important weight in Park Wan-seo s works. However, death is not the essence of her narratives. Rather, one should try to understand why the person having experienced a loss cannot come out of the mourning. The purpose of the present study is to examine the loss of those who survived and the impossibility for them to completely leave behind the sorrow through the relationship between mother and daughter. The mother inThe Naked Tree exerts a negative influence on the narrator in establishing her self-identity. In the present study, the mother s way to mourn deaths was interpreted from a Freudian approach to depression, while a reason why not only the mother but also the narrator could not end the mourning was examined from Melanie Klein s object relations theory. The mother whose mourning had not yet ended did not bring herself to take care of the narrator. And, the narrator, whose existence was ignored, was feeling ambivalent toward her mother, at the same time loving her and hating her, and resenting her, and clinging to her and rejecting her. Furthermore, the narrator was experiencing anxiety because of the “lost intimate relationship with the mother.”


1. 들어가는 말
2. 상실에 대한 애도 반응
3. 애도를 막는 모녀관계
4. 끝낼 수 없는 애도
5. 맺는 말


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김미영(kim, mi-young). (2016).박완서 소설의 애도 불가능성 연구. 한국언어문학, 98 , 135-160


김미영(kim, mi-young). "박완서 소설의 애도 불가능성 연구." 한국언어문학, 98.(2016): 135-160

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