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최명익 『장삼이사』 의 초점자 연구

이용수 310

A Study on Focalizer of Choe Myeongik’s Jangsamisa
신희교(Sin, Hui-gyo)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第98輯, 195~224쪽, 전체 30쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

Jangsamisa is Choe Myeongik’s a short story. This work is the work of psychologism affiliation. This work connected to Lee Sang s works. But Jangsamisa is different from Lee Sang s works. Meantime a focalization study of Jangsamisa focused on external focalization. But as a stream of consciousness is cross of unconsciousness and consciousness, so focalizer(focalization) aspect of Jangsamisa is cross . Namely there is cross of external focalizer and internal focalizer. In focalization object case, the cross appears, too. The cross unlike change is found in sentence unit. Meanwhile Jangsamisa shows the characters s ambivalence. A woman s ambivalence is based on a life. But a focalizer s ambivalence is based on an idea. The focalizer s ambivalence is eventually a play of idea or an idea of play. In this regard Jangsamisa is text of romantic irony. What is a cause of external focalizer and internal focalizer s cross? That is to say, It is thought that when writer produces text his consciousness is attributable to anxiety. (This anxiety appears focalizer s ambivalence in the text.) That is to say, this anxiety can only be explained by a situation of last stage of Japanese imperialism. Discontinuance of Munjang is proof of that. The focalizer of Jangsamisa have self-respect. He just shows his thoughts to implied reader(reader). In the situation of last stage of Japanese imperialism, his attitude like this have a meaning of literary history unlike pro-Japanese intellectuals. But his attitude released from life seems a undesirable thing in view of essence of novel genre. Nevertheless, the life is a life under control of Japanese imperialism. In this regard, focalizer s a play of idea or an idea of play will be reevaluated. That is to say, there was another worthy life-style as this intellectual s own way to protect himself unlike pro-Japanese intellectuals.


1. 서론
2. 본론
1) 초점자의 양상
2) 초점 대상에의 지각
3) 초점자의 규범
3. 결론


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신희교(Sin, Hui-gyo). (2016).최명익 『장삼이사』 의 초점자 연구. 한국언어문학, 98 , 195-224


신희교(Sin, Hui-gyo). "최명익 『장삼이사』 의 초점자 연구." 한국언어문학, 98.(2016): 195-224

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