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정보지식화사회와 인문공학(1)

이용수 154

Intellectualization oriented society and Humanities Engineering
이용욱(Lee Yong wook)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第91輯, 303~325쪽, 전체 23쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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The purpose of this study is to propose a new concept of Humanities and Engineering by future-oriented methodology of humanities education. Indicate the humanistic interpretation of the information technology and engineering with humanities are some 'digital humanities' to explain the humanities and liberal arts in information technology, philosophy of history also ethic degree in comparative religion even closer in sequence analysis of the science and art are fused Edward Wilson would have to 'Consilience' is different. In that crossed the boundaries of disciplines to integrate the knowledge of all three terms share the same root system, but the premise is not bound to extending the study of nutrient withe also vary with differences. Work beyond the boundaries of the study stopped in crossing or terminating on and off, 'Consilience' is just false. Prior to the humanities to offer 21st century, the crisis of the first engineering college which is become more radical in two terms 'university' and 'university education' Look, the nature of the crisis is eventually revealed that a liberal arts education saying this does not set a direction will be. Digital humanities education distinguishes this era of knowledge and information in order to set the correct direction when attempting to transform the paradigm of the 'information knowledge angry' to 'knowledge and information' is finally able to open up new horizons for education. Chapter 3 will analyze the digital humanities practices at home and abroad to explain the contradictions of the discourse that examines the crisis of the humanities and liberal arts in information technology, pointing out the problem.


1. 글을 시작하며
2. 대학 위기의 본질
3. 인문학과 인문교육
4. 소결


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이용욱(Lee Yong wook). (2014).정보지식화사회와 인문공학(1). 한국언어문학, 91 , 303-325


이용욱(Lee Yong wook). "정보지식화사회와 인문공학(1)." 한국언어문학, 91.(2014): 303-325

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