김영석 시의 형식과 기법
이용수 52
- 영문명
- Poetry's form and skill of Kim Youngseok ―the center of Saseolsi(사설시) and Kwansangsi(관상시)―
- 발행기관
- 한국언어문학회
- 저자명
- 안현심(An Hyun sim)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국언어문학』韓國言語文學 第91輯, 259~276쪽, 전체 18쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 한국어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2014.12.31
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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.
국문 초록
영문 초록
This thesis studies the form of Kim Youngseok's Saselsi(사설시) and expressing way of Kwansangsi(관상시).
The Heritage of the Three States(삼국유사) imposed verse styles of old Korean folk songs(향가) or Ge(게) and Sa(사), 'complimenting as this reason' or 'respecting words as this reason' after writing background folk tales and details of accidents.Kim Youngseok's Saseolsi(사설시) expressed like 'That's why I sang', 'To write here adjusted roughly', 'To murmur low as groaning', 'To recall faintly' when it turned prose into verse. Korean classical poetries such as 「Hwanjoga(황조가)」, 「Gongmudohaga(공무도하가)」, and 「Gujiga(구지가)」 don't exist the form of connecting pieces like Heritage of the Three States, but they have the same form as Saseolsi(사설시) in terms of appearing verse poetries after background folk tale.
Poetry 「Mesani(매사니) and Gesani(게사니)」 supported Kim Youngseok's Saseolsi(사설시) imposed the form of pansori(판소리). It's the part "one of the spell songs such as Dalani(다라니) spell started trend to flow out without source." The verse part which was presented next emphasized to be song certainly by songs, because it was expressed by 'it started tread to flow out without source' and 'Dalani(다라니) spell had musicality. The prose part of Saseolsi(사설시) falls under pansori(판소리) lines, 'aniri'(아니리).
Kwansangsi(관상시) 「Nachimpan(나침반)-Gisangdo(기상도) 22」 showed a breath of pictures. Readers notice clear meaning in margin having space, such as silk-tree branches hanging a fish backbone formed like a butterfly and the distance between of flying many flowers in far sky, even though the poetry instinctively expressed meaningless images flying silk-tree flowers by wind. It's Kwansangsi(관상시) to pursue this effectiveness.
What is Kim Youngseok's purpose designing Kwansangsi(관상시) after prose poetries. The answer can be found because he was a scholor who studied 'Do(도).' Saseolsi(사설시) and Kwansangsi(관상시) are the poetry form as the way to fulfill 'poetics of Do(도)' exactly. Kwansangsi(관상시) was considered as the part of expressive skills, but Saseolsi(사설시) as the part of formality. That's the difference between them.
1. 서론
2. '사설시'의 구조와 형식
3. '관상시'의 표현 기법
4. 결론
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