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判文與唐代官, 吏之別

이용수 29

Pans and the Distinction Between Guan and Li During the Tang Dynasty -An Investigation of Knowledge and Power in Medieval Age-
경북대학교 아시아연구소
Mao Wei(茆 巍)
간행물 정보
『아시아연구』제17호, 49~77쪽, 전체 28쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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국문 초록

唐은 중국 中世社會로서 官과 吏가 나누어지는 과도기였다. 唐代에 官과 吏는 점차 큰 차이를 나타냈다. 이 차이는 처우 뿐 만 아니라 胥吏상승의 공간에서도 나타났다. 唐律의 규정에 의하면 官과 吏의 職掌구분은 行判의 여부에서 나타났다. 判文의 제작 수준은 관원의 행정 능력의 高低를 가늠하는 標誌로 간주되었으며, 吏部의 銓選중에서도 判은 중요한 위치를 차지했다. 選判은 비록 일종의 下行의 행정과 사법 제정문체였으나 그 제작 요구는 禮部에서 치는 詩賦와 다를 바 없었다. 選判은 형식에서는 駢體文風이지만 內容에서는 儒家經義를 나타내야 했으며 제목으로 보면 僻書曲學이었다. 이것은 經義와 文學에 대한 고난도의 요구였다. 經義와 文學은 또한 실제 中世중국 士族들의 家學이었다. 六朝시대, 北朝의 士族들은 經義를 전승하여 異民族을 華化하였고, 동시에 南朝의 士族들은 文學을 또 다른 차원으로 격상시켰다. 그들의 문화는 시대를 이끌었고 황실을 감명시켰으며 확고한 自治體를 형성하였다. 李唐이 건립된 후, 이와 같은 문화는 또다시 인정받았다. 이 모든 것들은 이와 같은 방식의 試判이 士族들에게 유리하도록 만들었다. 胥吏은 비록 入流의 대우를 받았지만 집단적 수량에 있어서도 절대적인 다수를 차지하였다. 그러나 최후의 경쟁에서는 불리한 위치에 처할 수밖에 없었다. 이와 같이 표면적으로는 공평한 賢才主義의 구호 하에 士族들은 判文제작을 자기들 문화의 자산으로 삼아 한미한 출신의 吏들과 경쟁을 하면서 士와 庶의 구별을 官과 吏의 구별로 바꾸었다. 判文 또한 文化자산에서 바뀌어 符號權力이 되었다. 그러나 이와 같은 경쟁적인 選拔體制는 文化를 전파시키는 동시에 士族들의 근간과 우세를 흔들었으며, 士族들이 士大夫로 전화되는 唐ㆍ宋변혁기의 기틀을 마련하였다.

영문 초록

As medieval society, the Tang Dynasty was in a transition period of the differentiation between Guan(official who can judge) and Li(official who do not judge). Though they were civil servant, Guan and Li was treated in a huge different way, not only in salary, privilege, but also in promotion. According to law, administrative functions of Guan was to judge, and they must write pans(means to make judgment) after decide. So the performance of Pans was an important sign of the officers' administration ability. Also, the writing level of Pan was an acid test of administrative ability for the civil servants, who were tested in the Official Selecting by The Board of Civil Official. Its importance was even more than the official's political exploits. However in Tang Dynasty, pans were in verses, they must be written in parallel style, reflecting on the Confucian thoughts. And the titles of their tests were unique, only those very familiar with the classical books of Confucianism can understand what the titles mean. It is indicated that a Pan must be excellent in both the thoughts and literature expression, which were family learning of the nobles and gentries in the medieval ages. Up to the Six Dynasties Period, the northern Nobility families inherited the education of Confucian classics, and at the same time of culturing barbarians with Hua culture, the Nobility families in the South pushed the literature up to a new pinnacle. Their culture led the ages, influenced the loyal family, and formed a firm and self-reliance social group. Then, In Bei Dynasty, the regime of alien races invite person from Nobility class to help them to govern the country. In Nan Dynasty, culture-loving atmosphere was widely spreading with the authorization on Nobility class culture. During Tang Dynasty, royal family also accept and like their culture, and Pans must write in this way influenced by the aesthetics. So, this selection method is for the good of the Nobility class. In Tang Dynasty, though Li had a chance to become Guan, and was absolute dominant in number, they can not write pans well and get fast promotion, because of their family background and education environment. So the performance of Pan is a capital of culture of the Nobility Class, which was used to compete with the common literati. As a result, the differentiation between the Nobility Class and lower classes evolved into the distinction of Guan and Li. Pan become a symbol of power. Also, this select system accelerated the popularization of culture, and shook the foundations of Nobility Class. Then they turn into scholar-bureaucrats, which provide a social basis of the change of Tang and Song dynasties.




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Mao Wei(茆,巍). (2013).判文與唐代官, 吏之別. 아시아연구, (17), 49-77


Mao Wei(茆,巍). "判文與唐代官, 吏之別." 아시아연구, .17(2013): 49-77

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