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兼山 兪肅基의 詩文 考察

이용수 22

A Study on Poetry and Prose of Gyeom-san Sook-Gi Yoo
박찬수(Chan-soo Park)
간행물 정보
『어문연구』語文硏究 第74輯, 257~278쪽, 전체 22쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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1:1 문의
논문 표지

국문 초록

본 논문은 兼山이라는 인물을 학계에 소개하고 그의 시와 문장의 문학성을 규명하여 한국 문학사에서의 의의와 위상을 자리매김함에 목적을 두고 집필되었다. 兼山 兪肅基(1696~1752)는 지금까지 주목받지 못한 조선 중기의 학자이자 문인이다. 三淵 문하에서 수학한 겸산은 李縡, 李柬, 尹鳳九, 朴弼周, 申暻, 鄭彦煥, 金益兼등과 교유하며, 성리학자로서의 삶을 살았다. 그는 변화가 많았던 18세기에 전통적인 한시를 향유하는 작가였다. 겸산의 한시에는 진정한 유자로서의 심중을 창작에서도 견지하였고, 스스로를 드러내기 보다는 조용히 자신만의 학문과 사상에 몰두하는 은일지향적 삶을 형상화하였다. 또한 자신에 대한 불만과 세상과의 괴리를 토로하기도 했으며, 매화를 소재로 한 영물시에서는 物我合一하여 유학의 이치를 깨닫는 매개체로 형상화하였다. 겸산의 문장 중에서는 서간문의 정형을 지키면서 내용이 간곡하고 학문적 연찬을 볼 수 있다는 점과 서사적 구조가 자연스럽게 이어져 있다는 점이 특징을 보이는 편지류가 주목된다. 또한 두 편의 傳과 2條의기문에서는 유학자답게 유교의 대표적 덕목을 기릴 수 있는 인물들을 대상으로 기술방식에 차이를 두어 창작하였음을 확인할 수 있다.

영문 초록

Gyeom-san Sook-Gi Yoo(1696~1752) was not paid attention as a high-ranking official or a writer, but he was a distinguished scholar and poet in the middle Chosun Dynasty. He comprehend the realities around himself and lived as a classical scholar through his life carefully. This study introduces Gyeom-san to the academic community, to establish his literary value of poetry and prose, and to formulate a significance and status in the history of Korean literature. The results of this study are as followings ; Gyeom-san wrote traditional Chinese poetry in various changes arisen in the 18th century. As a result of the analysis in his Chinese poetry, I found his feature as a Confucian scholar. His Chinese poetry was formulated with retirement-oriented life absorbed in his study and thought rather than his colors. Also, Gyeom-san looked around himself through the Chinese poetry about his dissatisfaction and divorce from the world. Though he didn’t write many poems which were praising the nature, he liked plum blossom very much. Thus, his poems on plum blossom didn’t enjoy plum blossom itself simply but embodied the profound truth of Confucianism united with himself and plum blossom. Among the written proses of Gyeom-san, especially the letters are taken note of. We will show the features of letter writings. They follow the form of letter writings and contain true contents. They can also be found with an academic study and are naturally connected with narrative structure. And Gyeom-san wrote two biographies and two documentations with his collected record. We can understand the purpose of Gyeom-san as a Confucian scholar. The reason why he took the object of biography and documentation is to admire crucial characters who were representing Confucian virtue. Biography and documentation are the same narrative structure that records crucial character’s achievements in his/her lifetime. However, there is a distinct difference between the two styles in the selection of main character and the method of narration. Crucial characters of biography have obvious status and face-to-face meeting, but crucial characters of documentation are the persons in second-hand tale. Within the narrative method, biographies make use of formulaic expressions, and documentations are not interrupted by the pattern.


Ⅰ. 서언
Ⅱ. 겸산의 주변과 배경
Ⅲ. 한시의 문학성
Ⅳ. 문장의 문학적 분석
Ⅴ. 결언


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박찬수(Chan-soo Park). (2012).兼山 兪肅基의 詩文 考察. 어문연구, 74 (74), 257-278


박찬수(Chan-soo Park). "兼山 兪肅基의 詩文 考察." 어문연구, 74.74(2012): 257-278

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