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The Impacts of Display Types and Display Arrangement on Purchase Intention

이용수 12

Sunyoung Park
간행물 정보
『글로벌융합연구학회지』제3권 제2호, 153~164쪽, 전체 12쪽
복합학 > 학제간연구

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Display type and display arrangement are important factors when consumers purchase items. Most previous studies deal with purchase intentions according to the location of items in a mart. Therefore, additional research on display type and display arrangement is necessary in a situation where display methods are expanding. It is also important to systematically study the relationship between display type and display arrangement and changes in purchase intention from the consumer's perspective. To achieve the research purpose, a survey was conducted on consumers over 10 years old who have experience purchasing items in a mart. SPSS 23.0 and Smart PLS 4.0 were used for hypothesis testing. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the concentrated placement of display types did not significantly affect visibility. The mixed placement of display types significantly affected visibility. Display by model and display by brand of display arrangement significantly affected visibility. H1-1 was rejected, and H1-2, H1-3, and H1=4 were accepted. Second, display type and display arrangement significantly affected visibility. Display type and display arrangement have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. H2 was accepted. Third, visibility had a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. H3 was accepted. Fourth, visibility had a significant effect on purchase intention. H4 was accepted. Fifth, consumer satisfaction had a significant effect on purchase intention. H4 was accepted. Through this study, the effects of display type and display arrangement on visibility and consumer satisfaction were verified. In addition, the effects of visibility and consumer satisfaction on purchase intention were studied. Through this study, the display type and display arrangement of products will advance the research on purchase intention to the next level.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Design
4. Empirical Analysis and Results
5. Conclusion


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Sunyoung Park. (2024).The Impacts of Display Types and Display Arrangement on Purchase Intention. 글로벌융합연구학회지, 3 (2), 153-164


Sunyoung Park. "The Impacts of Display Types and Display Arrangement on Purchase Intention." 글로벌융합연구학회지, 3.2(2024): 153-164

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