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아담의 교육과 심미적 감수성: 밀턴의 『실낙원』 읽기

이용수 23

The Education of Adam and the Aesthetic Sensibility: Reading Milton’s Paradise Lost
이종우(Jong-Woo Lee)
간행물 정보
『영미문학교육』제28집 3호, 173~217쪽, 전체 45쪽
어문학 > 영어와문학

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This essay examines the pedagogical framework and methods employed in Milton’s Paradise Lost for the cultivation of Adam’s aesthetic sensibility. This sensibility enables Adam to witness the divine act of cosmic creation, observing the sublime process in which chaos is transformed into order, the intangible into the tangible, and darkness into light. Through this process, Adam learns to sing a “new song,” moving away from the traditional narratives of war and physical heroism toward the sublime beauty of interior moral virtue, cultivated through invincible patience and martyrdom. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit dwelling in a pure and upright heart, Adam gains a sense of eternity, perceiving past, present, and future within a unified continuum. This temporal perspective enables him to grasp the redemptive beauty of Christ, who reconciles the fractured cosmos through truth and grace. Adam’s aesthetic sensibility bridges the abstract ideals of beauty with their lived manifestations, signifying the emergence of a new paradigm of humanity. This paradigm is characterized by the capacity to overcome evil with good and to discern the latent potential for goodness even within evil itself. By prioritizing love over desire, Adam establishes inner harmony, thereby creating his “paradise within.” This inner transformation equips him to become not only an exemplary citizen—wise and competent in both public and private domains—but also a moral agent capable of sound judgment and ethical decision-making. Adam’s education serves as a model for the integration of the moral, spiritual, and intellectual elements, ultimately culminating in a holistic vision of human excellence that is consistent with Milton’s overarching poetic goals.

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이종우(Jong-Woo Lee). (2024).아담의 교육과 심미적 감수성: 밀턴의 『실낙원』 읽기. 영미문학교육, 28 (3), 173-217


이종우(Jong-Woo Lee). "아담의 교육과 심미적 감수성: 밀턴의 『실낙원』 읽기." 영미문학교육, 28.3(2024): 173-217

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