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환동해권시대의 설악권 관광진흥에 관한 연구

이용수 25

A Study on the Tourism Promotion for Seorak Areas at East-Sea Rim Age
이재섭(Jaesub Lee)
간행물 정보
『관광경영연구』제5권 제3호, 245~268쪽, 전체 24쪽
사회과학 > 관광학

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The purpose of this study is to present political issues for tourism development of the Seorak areas through examining relations between recognition factors on tourism development of the Seorak areas at East-Sea Rim Age and tourism promotion factors in Seorak areas by systemizing the theories on the tourism promotion and East-sea rim age. To accomplish the purpose of study, theoretical study and empirical study are done. The result of this study suggests that there is close relationship between the recognition of tourism development of the Seorak area in East-sea rim age and tourism promotion. Therefore, following political plans for tourism promotion of Seorak area in Kangwon province; First, political alternatives for minimizing environmental damage due to tourism development should be presented rather than considering only the importance of development itself. Second, making tourism belt with specializing specific region through utilizing local advantages is urgently needed for tourism promotion of the Seorak area in East-sea rim age because the recognition and importance on tourism development is distinctly different in each areas. Third, alternatives for tourism promotion of Seorak area by leading private enterprise or inhabitants to participate in the process of decision making of the policies for developing tourism environment in the area. This study has following limitation. First, for more objective examination, research should be done in terms of inhabitants but sample group is only experts. Second, research is done before the recognition on the East-sea rim is known to people because of the time limitation. Therefore, more systematic and continuous study is required to overcome above limitations.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 조사설계와 분석방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과와 종합토의
Ⅴ. 결 론


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이재섭(Jaesub Lee). (2001).환동해권시대의 설악권 관광진흥에 관한 연구. 관광경영연구, 5 (3), 245-268


이재섭(Jaesub Lee). "환동해권시대의 설악권 관광진흥에 관한 연구." 관광경영연구, 5.3(2001): 245-268

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