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디지털시대의 호텔 인적자원 계발 연구

이용수 25

A Study of Development of Hotel Human Resources in the Digital Age.
송기헌(Kihyon Song)
간행물 정보
『관광경영연구』제5권 제3호, 161~176쪽, 전체 16쪽
사회과학 > 관광학

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Digital means a method of data processing in the form of numbers. Today the entire world is undergoing profound transformations brought about by digitalization, new information and communication technologies, and widespread use of computers. This is a so-called digital age, which is witnessing massive changes brought by globalization such as more powerful civil society, the rise in women's social status and more common phenomena of pursuit of pleasure. In order to cope with these enormous challenges triggered by new technologies, the companies are continuously expected to reform their human resource management. Without exception, the hotel industry is trying to promote expertise of personnel management. The recent trends and conditions for personnel management in the hotel industry are to find more diverse ways of recruitment and retainment of qualified human resources, to transform the pay system form rigidity into a new and flexible one such as performance-related pay system, to make labor-management relations more cooperative, to create more open and democratic working atmosphere. In the process of implementing innovation and reform, tackling challenges in the digital age, above all, the hotels should try to cultivate originality and creativity of their workers harboring more generous attitude towards differences among workers and some failures made by them. Secondly, the hotel industry should foster well-educated human resources with expertise who can share and skillfully utilize new information and knowledge, thus contributing to the company making a good profit. If the hotels are to secure more competent workers with expertise, they should respect each workers individuality and provide a good atmosphere where the workers can cultivate their originality and study themselves. And thirdly, the hotels should nurture highly-qualified workers who can even make up for the employers shortcomings. Fourthly, they should uplift the workers ability to deal with e-commerce. Fifthly, they should get the workers equipped with a variety of knowledge. Sixthly, they should improve and make a full use of potential capacity of women workers. Seventhly, they should encourage the workers to learn foreign languages by which they will acquire an international way of thinking. Among foreign languages, English, Japanese and Chinese languages are strongly recommended.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 디지털시대의 사회상
Ⅲ. 디지털시대의 호텔인적자원관리 추이
Ⅳ. 디지털시대의 호텔인적자원 계발 방안
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론


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송기헌(Kihyon Song). (2001).디지털시대의 호텔 인적자원 계발 연구. 관광경영연구, 5 (3), 161-176


송기헌(Kihyon Song). "디지털시대의 호텔 인적자원 계발 연구." 관광경영연구, 5.3(2001): 161-176

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