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Anti-ds DNA 항체 검사 시 Lipemic 검체의 영향에 관한 보고

이용수 2

Report on the Effects Lipemic Specimen in Anti-ds DNA Antibody Test
천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon) 김외정(Whe Jung Kim) 김성호(Sung Ho Kim) 문형호(Hyoung Ho Moon) 유선희(Seon Hee Yoo)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.18 No.1, 153~157쪽, 전체 5쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease, characterized by various autoantibody. The detection of Anti double-stranded DNA (Anti-ds DNA) is important in the diagnostics of SLE, and include the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) diagnostic criteria for SLE. Also SLE disease activity and correlativity with the level Anti-ds DNA antibody have been reported and Anti-ds DNA antibody quantitative test is very useful for tracing before and after SLE treatment. When These Anti-ds DNA antibody test (Farr assay: ¹²⁵I labeled ds-DNA and bound Anti-ds DNA antibodies complex in serum is precipitated by ammonium sulfate and used to centrifugation, measured it) inhaled supernatant after centrifugation, a lipemic specimen does not facilitate the formation of precipitate and also occurs situation was inhaled with precipitate. To solve these problems, The Influence of the degree of lipemic specimen was evaluated. Materials and Methods: September 2012 to February 2013, We selected lipemic samples (n=81) of specimen commissioned by Anti-ds DNA antibody test. Lipemic samples were done pre-treatment (high-speed centrifugation: 14,000 rpm 5 mins) used a micro-centrifuge (Eppendorf Model 5415D). At the same time lipemic specimen and pre-treatment samples were performed Anti-ds DNA antibody test (Anti-ds DNA kit, Trinity Biotech, Ireland). Statistical analysis were analyzed Pearson’s correlation coefficients and regression and paired t-test, and Difference (%). Results: Experimental group 1 (Lipemic Specimen Anti-ds DNA Ab concentration ≤7 IU/mL) at y=0.368X+ 4.732, R²=0.023, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.154, paired t-test (P=0.003), Difference (%) mean 65.7 and showed a statistically significant difference. Experimental group 2 (Lipemic Specimen Anti-ds DNA Ab concentration ≥8 IU/mL) at y=0.983X+0.298, R²=0.994, Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed 0.997, paired t-test (P=0.181), Difference (%) mean -5.53 made no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Lipemic sample of low Anti-ds DNA Ab concentration (2.5-7 IU/mL) and the result is obtained pre-treatment (high-speed centrifugation: 14,000 rpm 5 mins) were made a significant difference statistically. Anti-ds DNA is one of the primary auto-antibodies present in patients with SLE, and remain an important diagnostic test for SLE. Therefore, we recommend preprocessing (high-speed centrifugation: 14,000 rpm 5 mins) in order to exclude the influence of lipemic specimen.


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천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),김외정(Whe Jung Kim),김성호(Sung Ho Kim),문형호(Hyoung Ho Moon),유선희(Seon Hee Yoo). (2014).Anti-ds DNA 항체 검사 시 Lipemic 검체의 영향에 관한 보고. 핵의학기술, 18 (1), 153-157


천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),김외정(Whe Jung Kim),김성호(Sung Ho Kim),문형호(Hyoung Ho Moon),유선희(Seon Hee Yoo). "Anti-ds DNA 항체 검사 시 Lipemic 검체의 영향에 관한 보고." 핵의학기술, 18.1(2014): 153-157

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