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I-131 SPECT/CT에서 Ringing Artifact 감소를 위한 다양한 Filter값의 적용

이용수 2

The Evaluation of Images with Various Filters in I-131 SPECT/CT
김하균(Ha Gyun Kim) 김수미(Soo Mee Kim) 우재룡(Jae Ryong Woo) 오소원(So Won Oh) 이재성(Jae Sung Lee) 김유경(Yu Kyeong Kim)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.18 No.1, 62~68쪽, 전체 7쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: After I-131 therapy, SPECT/CT is useful in identifying location of thyroid remnants and metastasis of thyroid cancers. An excessive uptake of thyroid leads to a ringing artifact in the SPECT images. The aim of this study is to investigate and suggest a proper post filters to remove ringing artifact and produce better image quality. Materials and Methods: A low-cost, customized thyroid-mimicking phantom, consisting of an acrylic bottle and a hollow sphere was used for SPECT/CT Discovery (GE Healthcare, USA). It was filled with I-131 solution. The ratio of hollow sphere to background were varied as 50:1, 200:1, 1000:1 and 4000:1. Acquired images were reconstructed by OSEM (2 iterations, 10 subsets) with and without Evolution (resolution recovery correction, GE). Three different post-filters were applied; Butterworth (cut off: 0.38 to 0.58 with intervals of 0.05), Hanning (cut off: 0.8 to 1 with intervals of 0.05) and Gaussian (FWHM: 3 to 5 with intervals of 0.5) filters. Contrast, background variability, air area variability, and full width half maximum (FWHM) were compared. Results: Higher contrasts were obtained from the SPECT images with Evolution than without Evolution. In the case of images without Evolution, image distortion such as star artifact was generated. For all sphere-tobackground ratio, the Butterworth filter showed better constrasts and FWHMs than other two filters, but the ringing artifact was still generated in all studies except 50:1 and it was decreased as cutoff value was increased. The ringing artifact didn't appear with Hanning and Gaussian filters at all studies, however constrats and FWHMs with Gaussian was worse than Hanning filter. For the images having ringing artifacts, the background variability and air area variability were increased. Conclusion: In this study, we suggested that it is desirable to use Hanning filter when the ringing artifact is generated and to use Butterworth filter when ringing artifact is not generated in I-131 SPECT.


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김하균(Ha Gyun Kim),김수미(Soo Mee Kim),우재룡(Jae Ryong Woo),오소원(So Won Oh),이재성(Jae Sung Lee),김유경(Yu Kyeong Kim). (2014).I-131 SPECT/CT에서 Ringing Artifact 감소를 위한 다양한 Filter값의 적용. 핵의학기술, 18 (1), 62-68


김하균(Ha Gyun Kim),김수미(Soo Mee Kim),우재룡(Jae Ryong Woo),오소원(So Won Oh),이재성(Jae Sung Lee),김유경(Yu Kyeong Kim). "I-131 SPECT/CT에서 Ringing Artifact 감소를 위한 다양한 Filter값의 적용." 핵의학기술, 18.1(2014): 62-68

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