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PET/MRI에 있어 MRI 조영제가 PET에 미치는 영향

이용수 2

Effect of MRI Media Contrast on PET/MRI
김재일(Jae Il Kim) 김인수(In Soo Kim) 이홍재(Hong Jae Lee) 김진의(Jin Eui Kim)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.18 No.1, 19~25쪽, 전체 7쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: Integrated PET/MRI has been developed recently has become a lot of help to the point oncologic, neological, cardiological nuclear medicine. By using this PET/MRI, a μ-map is created some special MRI sequence which may be divided parts of the body for attenuation correction. However, because an MRI contrast agent is necessary in order to obtain an more MRI information , we will evaluate to see an effect of SUV on PET image that corrected attenuation by MRI with contrast agent. Materials and Methods: As PET/MRI machine, Biograph mMR (Siemens, Germany) was used. For phantom test, 1mCi ¹⁸F-FDG was injected in cylinderical uniformity phantom, and then acquire PET data about 10 minutes with VIBE-DIXON, UTE MRI sequence image for attenuation correction. T1 weighted contrast media, 4 cc DOTAREM (GUERBET, FRANCE) was injected in a same phatnom, and then PET data, MRI data were acquired by same methodes. Using this PET, non-contrast MRI and contrast MRI, it was reconstructed attenuation correction PET image, in which we evanuated the difference of SUVs. Additionally, for let a high desity of contrast media, 500 cc 2 plastic bottles were used. We injected ¹⁸F-FDG with 5 cc DOTAREM in first bottle. At second bottle, only ¹⁸F-FDG was injected. and then we evaluated a SUVs reconstructed by same methods. For clinical patient study, rectal caner-pancreas cancer patients were selected. we evaluated SUVs of PET image corrected attenuastion by contrast weighted MRI and non-contrast MRI. Results: For a phantom study, although VIBE DIXON MRI signal with contrast media is 433% higher than non-contrast media MRI, the signals intensity of μ-map, attenuation corrected PET are same together. In case of high contrast media density, image distortion is appeared on μ-map and PET images. For clinical a patient study, VIBE DIXON MRI signal on lesion portion is increased in 495% by using DOTAREM. But there are no significant differences at μ-map, non AC PET, AC-PET image whether using contrast media or not. In case of whole body PET/MRI study, %diff between contras and non contrast MRAC at lung, liver, renal cortex, femoral head, myocardium, bladder, muscle are -4.32%, -2.48%, -8.05%, -3.14%, 2.30%, 1.53%, 6.49% at each other. Conclusion: In integrated PET/MRI, a segmentation μ-map method is used for correcting attenuation of PET signal. although MRI signal for attenuation correciton change by using contrast media, μ-map will not change, and then MRAC PET signal will not change too. Therefore, MRI contrast media dose not affect for attenuation correction PET. As well, not only When we make a flow of PET/MRI protocol, order of PET and MRI sequence dose not matter, but It's possible to compare PET images before and after contrast agent injection.


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김재일(Jae Il Kim),김인수(In Soo Kim),이홍재(Hong Jae Lee),김진의(Jin Eui Kim). (2014).PET/MRI에 있어 MRI 조영제가 PET에 미치는 영향. 핵의학기술, 18 (1), 19-25


김재일(Jae Il Kim),김인수(In Soo Kim),이홍재(Hong Jae Lee),김진의(Jin Eui Kim). "PET/MRI에 있어 MRI 조영제가 PET에 미치는 영향." 핵의학기술, 18.1(2014): 19-25

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