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두경부암 림프절 전이 평가에서 PET-MRI의 임상적 유용성

이용수 2

Clinical Usefulness of PET-MRI in Lymph Node Metastasis Evaluation of Head and Neck Cancer
김정수(Jung-Soo Kim) 이홍재(Hong-Jae Lee) 김진의(Jin-Eui Kim)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.18 No.1, 26~32쪽, 전체 7쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: As PET-MRI which has excellent soft tissue contrast is developed as integration system, many researches about clinical application are being conducted by comparing with existing display equipments. Because PET-MRI is actively used for head and neck cancer diagnosis in our hospital, lymph node metastasis before the patient’s surgery was diagnosed and clinical usefulness of head and neck cancer PET-MRI scan was evaluated using pathological opinions and idiopathy surrounding tissue metastasis evaluation method. Materials and Methods: Targeting 100 head and neck cancer patients in SNUH from January to August in 2013. ¹⁸F-FDG (5.18 MBq/kg) was intravenous injected and after 60 min of rest, torso (body TIM coil, Vibe-Dixon) and dedication (head-neck TIM coil, UTE, Dotarem injection) scans were conducted using Bio-graph™ mMR 3T (SIEMENS, Munich). Data were reorganized using iterative reconstruction and lymph node metastasis was read with Syngo.Via workstation. Subsequently, pathological observations and diagnosis before-and-after surgery were examined with integrated medical information system (EMR, best-care) in SNUH. Patient’s diagnostic information was entered in each category of 2×2 decision matrix and was classified into true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN). Based on these classified test results, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, false negative and false positive rate were calculated. Results: In PET-MRI scan results of head and neck cancer patients, positive and negative cases of lymph node metastasis were 49 and 51 cases respectively and positive and negative lymph node metastasis through before-and-after surgery pathological results were 46 and 54 cases respectively. In both tests, TP which received positive lymph node metastasis were analyzed as 34 cases, FP which received positive lymph node metastasis in PET-MRI scan but received negative lymph node metastasis in pathological test were 4 cases, FN which received negative lymph node metastasis but received positive lymph node metastasis in pathological test was 1 case, and TN which received negative lymph node metastasis in both two tests were 50 cases. Based on these data, sensitivity in PET-MRI scan of head and neck cancer patient was identified to be 97.8%, specificity was 92.5%, accuracy was 95%, FN rate was 2.1% and FP rate was 7.00% respectively. Conclusion: PET-MRI which can apply the acquired functional information using high tissue contrast and various sequences was considered to be useful in determining the weapons before-and-after surgery in head and neck cancer diagnosis or in the evaluation of recurrence and remote detection of metastasis and uncertain idiopathy cervical lymph node metastasis. Additionally, clinical usefulness of PET-MRI through pathological test and integrated diagnosis and follow-up scan was considered to be sufficient as a standard diagnosis scan of head and neck cancer, and additional researches about the development of optimum MR sequence and clinical application are required.


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김정수(Jung-Soo Kim),이홍재(Hong-Jae Lee),김진의(Jin-Eui Kim). (2014).두경부암 림프절 전이 평가에서 PET-MRI의 임상적 유용성. 핵의학기술, 18 (1), 26-32


김정수(Jung-Soo Kim),이홍재(Hong-Jae Lee),김진의(Jin-Eui Kim). "두경부암 림프절 전이 평가에서 PET-MRI의 임상적 유용성." 핵의학기술, 18.1(2014): 26-32

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